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Everything posted by WirralPC

  1. Not if you want something doing about workplace bullying - which will invariably be ignored and classed as ''an employment issue'' as the councillors file past on the other side of the road, turning a blind eye. And this is a politically neutral comment really because it applies to all parties / all shades of representation. Actually, I suppose that little nugget you've coughed up is a true statement if you look at it from another angle.... If you want the county to move and spiral downwards into the gutter / career headlong towards the abyss... vote for councillors !! You're preaching to the converted here, without the experience / evidence base to dodge the resulting flak and get away with it.
  2. Thanks Bobby. Great to have your backing on this one. You have this wonderful knack of revealing the skulduggery, cutting away the flim flam, and exposing the controlled show (to misquote Malcolm X). No word yet from Jesse Norman. I'll start issuing daily updates from now on, just to let voters know where we're up to on this.
  3. Which doesn't address the obscenity of it all. Homeless spikes anyone?
  4. Unfair, possibly. But a far greater unfairness arises when you browse to www.theyworkforyou.com and check out Mr Norman's voting patterns. He appears to be party to and often strongly in favour of decisions that have: o vastly reduced central government funding to council areas where much larger numbers of ethnic minority persons happen to be in residence o reduced only slightly, or left the same, or increased central government funding to council areas where there are very few ethnic minority persons in residence I could find a lot more if I had the time or the inclination, but just to underline the fact that his unforgiving, austerity driven tory 'values' and voting patterns, whipped or otherwise, have a detrimental effect on the lives of people who live way beyond the borders of his tiny, unrepresentative of the wider UK, 97% white Herefordshire South constituency. Unfairness comes in varying degrees. Discriminating between e.g. north and south, black and white, rich and poor in order to benefit your own voters and your own electoral chances is to be quite frank, disgustingly unfair. And nicking somebody's piccie on the net pales into insignificance frankly.
  5. Oh... and the Conservative whips who, when they're not blackmailing or coercing tory MPs who've committed "indiscretions" with rent boys or prostitutes, are often called upon to "lean on" their own fellow members to obtain the required number of votes and force through often callous, often destructive legislation. Jesse Norman is a willing participant in all this - one of the most aggressive, corrupted, out of whack bearpits in Christendom. Feigning refined sensibilities all of a sudden just won't cut the mustard with an intelligent but fed up electorate. Sorry for going slightly off message Colin.
  6. I've stripped out all the surplus material and distilled it down to one statement which may approximate to the truth. I like my politicians to speak the truth when first approached, rather than having to painfully grind it out of them over several days, weeks or months, whilst riding a rollercoaster of posturing, bogus indignation and feigned victimhood. Enjoy your freedom of speech while it lasts. I imagine Jesse will be wanting to keep control and encourage any relatively inexperienced colleagues to remain firmly "on message".
  7. I think you're missing a barn door with a cricket bat here Sebastian. If you were a £67,070 per year salaried MP, would you and your soon-to-be-barrister assistant be able to respond with a Yes / No to a direct question about.... BULLYING AT YOUR LOCAL COUNCIL ...or would you be a total incompetent who'd either forgotten about it or not been told about it by your extremely capable assistant? Yes or No was the answer I was seeking. Which should be very easy to deal with for an intelligent person like Jesse Norman. p.s. this aint bullying. I've lost two jobs through bullying and I can therefore state from hard-won experience that it isn't.
  8. And... a frequent participant in House of Commons savagery towards each other... or in receipt of blackmail / thuggery from his own party whips... ...and not content with being "unable to remember / state whether he can remember being told about council bullying"... ...he's now doing a massive disservice to the targets of bullying at his local council... ...by accusing ME of bullying HIM.
  9. Mr Norman has responded again. But I feel he's being evasive... https://twitter.com/Wirral_In_It/status/587913237494177792
  10. https://twitter.com/Wirral_In_It/status/587914096806383616
  11. This might assist Mr Norman: https://twitter.com/Wirral_In_It/status/587733235804823553
  12. I've given him two days, but Jesse Norman hasn't gotten back to me. Phase II shall commence.
  13. Police up to no good again. Now they're arresting political candidates. https://tompride.wordpress.com/2015/04/13/police-arrest-parliamentary-candidate-for-putting-up-campaign-poster/
  14. Herefordshire; Hampshire; Stockport; Wirral. There were tales of treachery from far and wide when I linked this thread to Twitter... " UNISON - doing the dirty RIGHT NOW on 1 of their own reps at Herefordshire Council http://t.co/RhzFi1RcY9 #WBsinTUNE http://t.co/WaljYv1rJH " https://twitter.com/Wirral_In_It/status/586592077443633153
  15. I've been doing some digging around and believe I have incontrovertible evidence that the Jesse Norman camp have known about this in great detail for a very long time. That's why I'm keen to see what Mr Norman comes back with before following it up. The timing of this is quite good and I believe this will encourage him to focus his mind on these events.
  16. I mentioned the subject of bullying at the council before contacting Jesse Norman MP yesterday on Twitter. https://twitter.com/Wirral_In_It/status/586814331620306944 I'm just waiting for him to check his files and come back to me.
  17. We've just started paying £175,000 per annum to get 'the best'. Eric Robinson is his name and he was at a Council in Staffordshire. That's all I know. He's been here a few days, has hit the ground running and is earning his keep already... o he's blocked me on Twitter o his Twitter handle is @Staffspeople o a publicity photo has been issued and the great man's visage is festooned in angry looking spots Maybe 'the best' is yet to come.
  18. I had an alleged 'manager' called Phil Edwards in my last job. If he could have located the ar.se end of a pantomime horse, never mind climbed inside it and ran around cursing, sweating and losing two and a half stone over a Christmas season, it would have been an effing miracle. GVP it is then.
  19. It certainly does though. This was covered on the "bullying of disabled employees" thread. So the council has senior staff who are prepared to lie as well as bully disabled employees as well as secretly collude with crooked Unison to get their way. Why the hell are existing staff prepared to hand over £16 a month or whatever the subs are to queue up to be kicked in the teeth when it's their turn to be victimised? They are surely not THAT stupid :'(
  20. As I mentioned earlier, the only way to cut through this kind of a stitch up is to covertly record the villains involved. As an honest person with integrity, you may have misgivings and feel guilty doing it, but in the fullness of time you'll be glad you did. There's nothing worse than being left high and dry, having discovered your genial, smiling "friend" in Unison was your enemy all along and had been whispering with his management pals on the golf course or in some godforsaken boozer far enough away not to be seen - Birmingham or somewhere. Councillors here are not really an option either. They're basically the enemy; by turns weak; not motivated; stitched up; or complicit, timeworn collaborators. So by any measure... not to be trusted. Maverick... I hope you secreted an Olympus about your person and went in smiling. This will definitely be a thread to keep our beady eyes on if you did.
  21. Anyone suffering and who's unfortunate enough to be working at this basket case should do one or more of the following: o leave for the sake of your own health o leave Unison. Join another recognised union that is not corrupted to the gills o whistleblow on what's going on o lodge a grievance against the bullies and their protectors with the aim of having them investigated, disciplined and removed o covertly tape record your meetings with the crooks. That will be your ONLY chance of cutting through the embedded corruption, unseating the villains and exposing to the romantic, ignorant world beyond what is actually going on behind the veil, in the name of "public service"
  22. I sent Ian Puddick a link to this thread. He's retweeted it to his 89,000 followers.
  23. As the heat rises, prepare for any eventuality e.g. the CCTV at the nick malfunctioning or the recordings themselves being mislaid. A tweet to Ian Puddick on Twitter could be a good move. He's been through all of this and a lot more.
  24. This dispute gets mentioned further afield: http://www.talesfromthetownhall.co.uk/amey-in-row-over-contract.html
  25. http://www.bastionradio.com/ Discussion starts at 31:00.
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