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Traffic Improvements For Herefordshire

Glenda Powell

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Central Government announcement at their conference in Birmingham on 8th Oct 2012.


Central Government has announce funding for Herefordshire Council road improvements schemes at Belmont Road and Edgar Street which are:


A49 / A465 Belmont road junction to reduce delays on the A49 northbound approaches to the Belmont road junction, the junction will be realigned to create a separate approach to accomodate A49 southbound movements into Asda's store, and u-turn movements from St. Marins street toward A49 northbound from the right turn movement into A465 Belmont road. It will be traffic signal controlled and co-ordinates with the Belmont road right turn. Scheme start 2013 completed 2013.


A49 / A438 Edgar street. The A49 southbound approach into Edgar street roundabout is a major cause for delay on the A49 route. To increase capacity this approach will be widened to create a third lane. In order to create the space for the new lane the pedestrian crossing will be slightly relocated. Scheme start 2014 to be completed 2014.



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NO, this is what Central Government in London has agreed to pay to Herefordshire Council, for their road improvements schemes. What Roger has quoted is six consultations with the public, if you click onto the link he has supplied it will take you to the consultation I have mentioned. it seems coinsidential that after I put the question to full council on 28th Sept to turn the lights off at Asda in support of the many people who had ask me to put the question at council that this funding has now been announced, although the junction will be changed it will still be controlled by light signals. But this will not happen until next year,so there is still time for the Highways Agency to turn the lights off for three months as a trial as I asked, also Colin has ask the same. I have also ask people on my website to sign the petition.

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