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Parking Charges Update


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Following on from previous closed topic, parking charges in the news again. You can see why the councils are keen to implement the charges as soon as possible. Overall in 2013/14 councils in England made £667 million from their day to day, on and off street parking operations. After capital charges the net surplus was £549 million.

By law any surplus must be used for transport projects. How about free car parking? If people do not drive into Hereford to shop, the traders say it will force many to close and then the council lose the business rates as well - double whammy!




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Given that the controversial and universally unpopular on-street charges raise only £275k, less manpower and other costs, is there really a case for keeping it, given the huge financial hit the shops have taken because of it, even before the present crisis. Time to scrap it with immediate effect (I know, this Council do nothing immediately, but hey). Also, why are they paying a lease on the Maylords car park when they own the freehold? Some creative accounting?

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