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Motions to consider: Code of Conduct, Verge Parking, Video Casting and Eastern River Crossing


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Motions to consider: Code of Conduct, Verge Parking, Video Casting and Eastern River Crossing

Friday 9 March 2018 10.00 am




item 10: 4 notices of motion under standing orders

Motion – Code of Conduct
(Proposed by Councillor EPJ Harvey, Seconded by Councillor MD Lloyd-Hayes)
The constitution of this Council rightly requires our employees to conform to high standards as regards the declaration of their personal interests. Presently we have not set a similarly high standard for elected members. In the interests of fairness and in line with the standards of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership which are required of councillors, I propose that:

This council commits its elected members to the standards for the declaration of their personal interests which it already requires of its employees as regards membership of any organisation which: is not open to the public without formal membership; or requires a commitment of allegiance; or has secrecy about its rules or about the conduct of its members.

Motion – Verge Parking
(Proposed by Councillor BA Baker, Seconded by Councillor SP Anderson )
The damage caused by vehicles being parked carelessly on grass verges is not only unsightly but can add to the costs of maintaining the verges and highways at a time when council resources are already stretched. In light of this largely unregulated activity I move that the executive be asked to consider putting in place suitable controls to restrict parking on grass verges, including the introduction of by-laws.   

Motion –  Video Casting
(Proposed by Councillor AJP Powers, Seconded by Councillor FM Norman)
Recognising that, following It’s Our County’s proposal and after a nine month trial period, this council has recently decided to audio-cast public meetings and to adopt these recordings as audio minutes; and knowing that almost all our neighbouring authorities (Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire, Powys and Worcestershire), and many others, already routinely video-cast their meetings – an option originally rejected by this council on cost grounds

That, to align this council with best practice elsewhere, the executive is asked  
a) to re-consider the merits of ‘up-grading’ from audio to live on-line video streaming so that the public meetings of Herefordshire Council and its elected members would be publically open and visible to those unable to attend, and that the recordings should be archived and made available on-line.  
b) to consider a trial period for live video streaming, with the opportunity during the trial for feedback from elected members and the public.

Motion – Eastern River Crossing
(Proposed by Councillor JLV Kenyon, Seconded by Councillor SM Michael)
This council notes that the dates for completion of the western bypass are unknown, that it will not relieve the traffic issues within the city and also it’s not its primary purpose.

The executive is asked to investigate and ensure that a protective corridor can be established for an Eastern river crossing from the B4399 at  Rotherwas crossing over the B4224 near to the proposed rugby club development through to the A438 close to the Cock of Tupsley.


Will they consider these items. I doubt it.

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Re grass verge parking , it is an eyesore , going on from that a good number of householders are clearing their  front garden to make it a parking place for their cars , I can fully understand why , however some Council insist that if they do that and the cars are driving over a raised kerb the householder must pay  to have the kerb  dropped to a drive on kerb. Further to that if a car blocks a dropped kerb I believe that the Police can take action , however if a car parks alongside a raise kerb preventing the householder drive onto or exit their garden/ parking area it's annoying for the householder but no traffic obstruction / offence .

The above is an observation and as usual will stand corrected if I am talking rubbish .

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Agree with you Ubique about the state of the verges and the complete disregard for other residents living in the street. The only criteria these motorists consider is how close to their home can they park. Where I am the problem is too many cars in the street. In one place they are parked on what was a grass verge and is now reduced to a strip of mud which is carried up the road when they leave. The latest trend is to park your cars in your front garden usually involving the removal of any greenery and to scatter gravel over the ground. It appears that motorists think more of their cars than the environment. I predict it won't be long before they park their cars in their front living rooms. Then they can just roll out when they arrive. The car spaces in the street will be lost as access to the properties will need to be maintained, so you lose one space but gain 2 by sticking 2 cars in your front garden - overall gain 1 space. The development at Keepmoat at The Oval uses this principle using proper hard landscaping, but the streets still look cluttered - not as shown in their sales literature - all nice and tidy.


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