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Canal road to station approach path


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To little or no fanfare the foot/cycle path between canal road and station approach has opened. I'm assuming this happened recently. I used it last week instead of walking up the private road and around Morrisons. Much more direct and very useful but nobody seems to know about it

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"To little or no fanfare..." Par for the course, mate.


Now if Tony Johnson was suffering from hay fever, the council's dynamic Media Unit would have pushed out a fulsome Press Release, with medical report on the Great Leader's condition.. But open a traffic-free route for pedestrians and cyclists? Forget it.

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To little or no fanfare the foot/cycle path between canal road and station approach has opened. I'm assuming this happened recently. I used it last week instead of walking up the private road and around Morrisons. Much more direct and very useful but nobody seems to know about it


Thank you for the info, I will try and grab a photograph over the weekend. 

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