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Belmont Pools Further Update

Glenda Powell

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:Smile Face_32: I have received today further information about Belmont Pools from James Bisset, Pricipal Officer Parks and Countryside:-


Dear Cllr Powell,


Amey will be starting work on clearing out the 'cut'and replacing the spillway from this coming Monday ( suject to torrential rain over the weekend). Access will be across Persimmon's field from Haywood Lane. We have already cut a track through the grass across the field for them and Persimmon's site manager is fully aware of what is happening. Our team will be keeping a careful watching brief on their progress.


Although no evidence of White-clawed Crayfish has been found in the lower pool or subsequent stream we have briefed Amey and they will be keeping a careful lookout as the debis in the 'cut' is removed. Likewise for birds nests in the trees and shrubs they may need to cut in order to gain access. If wildlife is found appropriate steps are in place to handle the situation.


Whilst this work is taking place security fencing etc will be in place so access to and across the existing spillway area will be restricted.


If you have any concerns about the work do not hesitate to contact me, or if you see vandalism of any equipment etc please call the police in the usual way.


James Bisset

Principal Countryside Officer.

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