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Denise Lloyd

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Posts posted by Denise Lloyd

  1. Catching up with my reading on Wirralleaks just saw this - hope PC does not mind my reposting it:

    "As we said yesterday in our Spot the Blott post we do like to follow the progress of former Wirral Council alumni who have graced (and disgraced) our pages. Fortunately for us (and unfortunately for them ) there are correspondents around the country – and particularly from Bristol, Hereford, York and  Sandwell – who have kept us informed of  Wirral Council’s cast-offs and how they carry on regardless of any scandals or scrapes they’ve been involved in beforehand. However it would appear that we have a particular keen following in Cheshire East. Thanks mainly to the travels and travails of Wirral Council ‘s former head of law – the infamous Bill Norman.

    Firstly we hear that there are currently no less than SIX ( count ’em) police investigations concerning Tory led Cheshire East Council. Read more here : Cheshire East police investigations

    Kudos to the Cheshire Constabulary for actually taking allegations of Council corruption seriously which is more than be said of Merseyside Police who are seemingly too lazy and/or too busy exchanging funny handshakes and going to the confessional box to be bothered investigating legitimate concerns about Wirral Council . We’ll be interested to know whether the mud will stick and there will be a sticky end for Cheshire East councillors and council officers.

    However particular thanks go out to  “A member of ItsRandom the Wirralleaks franchise in Cheshire East”  who sends us this particularly interesting missive concerning Mr Norman and the use of Wirral based consultants ‘Sticky Change’. Now we know that ‘ Sticky Change’ may sound like an old Wirral Leaks headline from the days when we were covering stories about Wirral Council senior management sex romps but this change management consultancy firm website reads like satire to us : Sticky Change .  Their ‘Our Values’ page has to be seen to believed (and sorry we don’t believe any of it). Any one who uses the word ‘ Passionate’ to describe the process of making money is to be viewed with great suspicion as far as we’re concerned. And as for the ‘ look at my backside’ quip – oh do give over ! It’s more a case of all my arse as far as we’re concerned.We’re not sure whether Wirral Council have ever used ‘Sticky Change’ (perhaps somebody would like to enquire) . Meanwhile read this and weep :

    Wirral Council and Cheshire East Council have far more in common than anyone realises, so its little wonder that whistle blowing staff and residents are in fear of speaking out. Bill Norman left his mark at both Councils, but the blame lies with those that allowed his appointment…..and they are the ones which always keep their jobs. When Councils appoint people like Bill Norman they know exactly what they are getting. Cheshire East and Wirral Council are not alone in appointing expendable people to take the flack when wrongdoing is exposed. 

    Corporate organisations like to appoint people who share the values of the company, but what happens when the people at the top of an organisation not only tolerate wrongdoing but potentially reward employees via promotion for allowing it to happen. With these type of organisation all employees are seen as expendable. In fact to the people at the very top of many public sector organisations the sacrificing of employees is little more than a snake sacrificing its own skin – it means nothing because its still a snake. 


    In fact looking at Bill Normans work history at other councils I would be amazed if Cheshire East Councils didn’t provide details of the payoff and compromise agreement as part of the employment contract for new starters. Most organisations want honest consciousness employees, but Cheshire East Council see these employees as potential whistle blowers and manage (bully) them out. 


    Sticky Change…….

    I feel Cheshire East Council spending over £150,000 to bring in a consultancy firm called Sticky Change in order to help the authority tackle its ‘bullying’ culture is more about creating good PR to fool the public into believing that the leopard really wants to change its spots. It was reported that Sticky Change worked with Everton Football club and this might help explain my point. 


    Football is a results based business, and even when the decision was made by Everton FC to bring in Sticky Change the directors knew that the manager would still be the one picking the team to play a 442 system. It wont be any different at Cheshire East Council.

    As Cheshire East Council seem committed to at least appear to be drag their reputation from out of the sewers then perhaps they would answer the question I made a week ago:

    The real question is when did Sticky Change work with Torbay Council – before, during, or after Bill Normans employment with Torbay Council?

    This is very important because Cheshire East Council need to be aware that the decision to choose Sticky Change as external consultants should be open to public scrutiny.

    Sticky Change previously worked at Torbay Council and it is important to know if this was before, during, or after Bill Normans time with the council? If it was during or after Bill Normans time with Torbay Council then Bill Norman and Sticky Change may have a connection. 

    The fact that CEC didn’t mention Torbay Council in their press release when naming who else Sticky Change had previously worked with seemed strange, so was it a deliberate omission to avoid drawing attention to any potential link?

    Just months after the departure of Bill Norman from Cheshire East Council it was announced that Sticky Change would be brought in to tackle the bullying culture. So how and when did CEC first look at using the services of Sticky Change and did his overlap with Bill Normans time at CEC?

    Sticky Change are based on the Wirral and whilst working at Wirral Council its believed that Bill Norman also lived on the Wirral (Bill might have continued to live on the Wirral whilst working at CEC). Given the points above and Bill Normans very close geographical relationship to Sticky Change on the Wirral there is a possibility that there is a connection/relationship between Bill Norman and Sticky Change. What steps have CEC taken to ensure that the decision to use Sticky Change (and their independence) will stand up to public scrutiny?

    I cant speak on behalf of other people but I don’t think I would be comfortable discussing the bullying culture at CEC with consultants from Sticky Change if the above points remain unanswered. The fact that CEC didn’t seem to carry out any due diligence when appointing Bill Norman means how can anyone be sure that it wasn’t Bill Norman that recommended CEC to bring in Sticky Change?

    Sticky Change (Consultants) Ltd


    Sticky Change (Partners) Ltd


    • Thumbs Up 2
  2. The contractor who supposedly mowed the verges on the A465 from the Lousy Oak to the roundabout should a) be made to make a better job b) not be paid until he has rectified the botched job and c) struck off

    I think it was probably tidier when it was long and suspect the road further on from the Lousy Oak is of similar standard.  Oh and the person who signed this work off should also be struck off.


  3. just saying...................

    "TFA Gives Evidence to Cornwall Council Estate Review

    The TFA’s Chief Executive, George Dunn this week gave oral evidence to a County Farms Strategy Inquiry being undertaken by Cornwall Council. For more information about the Inquiry click here.

    Cornwall Council has around 100 farms covering approximately 10,000 acres two thirds of which are let under Farm Business Tenancies. George highlighted the importance of valuing the County Farms Estate as an important asset held in trust for the Council tax payers of Cornwall and that it must be managed well both to obtain best value for Council tax payers and to provide opportunities for individuals to be farmers in their own account. He said it was important for politicians to allow estate managers to run the estate without too much interference. Whilst the Council should set strategic objectives for the estate it should leave day-to-day management to the estates team. Building opportunities for progression were also highlighted as well as the need to ensure that the Council was getting the basics right in terms of repairs, making decisions and developing good working relationships with its tenants."

  4. Just followed a link sent to me by HC to find a PA and got this


    "Herefordshire Council Newsroom

    The newsroom has been retired.

    You can now find all our news and press releases on our Herefordshire Council news page. Please update any bookmarks you may have."


    Followed the link as indicated and that did not work - you've got to laugh really haven't you

    • Confused 1
  5. Herewith contact details for the owner(s) of

    Spur Retail Park Hereford, HR4 9SB



    Luke Sowerby

    020 7199 2977

    020 7199 2970

    07584 245 664



    Newly refurbished and extended 4 unit scheme fronting Holmer Road. Tenants include Halfords, Dunelm and Maplin.


    Situated off the Holmer Road (A49) just to the north of the town centre.

    Use Class

    A1 – Bulky Goods



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