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Posts posted by Ubique

  1. I am hoping the Megilland will seek out age related stats cover the whole age range .


    As I said earlier - we live out in the country 250yds from a bus stop / Service . If the bus service was to stop I would have to consider our position - Mrs U has never passed her driving test so I am the only driver in our home . Do I give up driving and we move nearer to town or do I soldier on until I or Mrs U says "That's it ". We want to stay Independant for as long as we can .


    My 94 yr old mother is in a Care Home near Milton Keynes , I made a decision last month that I am no longer prepared to do a round time of over 5 hours just to see her for 10 minutes, after which she tells me to go ( she has dementia so it's understandable ) .

  2. Jon - of course I may be wrong BUT I believe that you have a moral ( if not legal ) obligation to speak to their relatives re your suspicions / evidence . If they are not interested I honestly believe that you should advise the Police , ( perhaps start with your local Community Officer or his Senior Officer ) recording their names plus the date you advised them - failing that call the Police Call Centre and report your suspicions / evidence - ask for their Log number . I know that you will think you are a snitch BUT how would you feel if , God forbid , one of these elderly drivers mounted the pavement outside a local school and killed one or more children .you would think about it every day and regret not passing on your concerns to the Authorities .


    As an aside but in keeping with age ! Just before Christmas I received a Summons from the Jury Service Office in London summoning me to Hereford Crown Court on the 16th Jan 2016 for Jury Service , read the enclosed form , fill in the form and return it within 7 days ( on fear of death or worse if I failed ) read the booklet - TO OLD FOR JURY SERVICE . Bill Wiggins received an email from me giving my opinion ! Still waiting for a reply . Some Posters on this site know what I do as a volunteer , the Charity I am involved in certainly would not permit me to do what I do if I wasn't capable .

    So what I am trying to say is that age should not come into the decision making , each decision should be rationally taken by the person after considering all the factors - I honestly believe that the two ladies Jon has mentioned should not be driving.

  3. Interesting post Jon - you talk about OAP - are you refering to over 65 or beyond -.when I reached the grand old age of 71 I applies to HCC to take part in their sponsored driving assessment , cost £10 . Received a copy of the Highway Code and a location to meet a qualified Driving Instructor . On my arrival he checked my eye sight , my vehicle and my driving docs . Cut a long story short my assessment was over one hour , far longer than a normal driving test , included rural roads , dual carriageways , plus of course urban roads plus I had to give a commentary of what I saw plus why I was making decisions . At the end of the test my Examiner debriefed my and said would receive his written report via the Council - I did within 7 days ....I came out as excellence- very pleased BUT not a reason to gloat - I must keep up this standard.


    Having said all that - I am now 74 + and seriously considering giving up driving whilst I am ahead ! THE BIG BUT IS THE FACT THAT WHILST WE LIVE IN THE COUNTRY 4 miles NORTH OF HEREFORD ON A BUS ROUTE WILL WE HAVE THIS BUS ROUTE IN 6 MONTHS TIME . ?

    I am sure other older folk are of the same thinking.


    Should add that at the moment we use the bus service at least once a week - one could suggest that the bal is in the Councils court - continue the bus service and I , for one will give up driving - stop my bus service and I will continue driving !

  4. Rudeness, it seems, is not only tolerated but applauded on this forum when posted by those on the right, but not by those on the left. But I'll wear your loathing with pride, to quote a man who is the antithesis of you Roger.

    Osmosis ...Had to be said ..........I agree with you - thank you .


    Further to my last - I may be wrong but ROGER has given me the thought that he is either a PCSO or Police Officer or retired from one of the aforementioned. If I am correct it appear to me that if he uses the sort of language he uses to describe a fellow poster no wonder the public support of the Police etal is falling !

  5. Today was the first time in ten years that Mrs U and I travelled from our home 4 miles to the NW of Hereford on a Sunday lunchtime . Our intentions was to meet up with relatives for lunch at one of the eateries in the Old Market .

    Table was reserved for 12.30 , because we had a bit of shopping to do we left our home at 11.45 , we travelled along the A49 , around the Starting Gate roundabout and joined a long line of stop / start traffic - to cut a very boring story short we parked in the Waitrose car park at 12.20 pm . 35 minutes to cover 4 miles !

    Our relatives travelled into town from the Ledbury direction, they left their home at 1205pm for their 20 minute journey into town - they arrived at our chosen Resturant at 1pm !


    Other than volume of traffic does anybody know of any reason for the delays - no road works were seen - or is this normal for a Sunday lunchtime. .

  6. Fellow Posters , it's very apparent that there are a number of you involved in caring , in different ways , your neighbours and your local community and that is so right and good.

    Going on from that , if you hear of a Serving member of our Armed Forces or a Veteran you think Is in need of assistance , be it advice on their Service Pension , financial help to purchase house NEEDS ( not wants ) , travel assistance for hospital visit / appointment etc . the list is endless , suggest that they attend the Military Charities Help Desk at Franklin House 10am to 2pm on Tuesday's ( SSAFA) or Thursday's ( TRBL ) or phone the SSAFA local tele.no. 01432 273932 (24/7) or TRBL 0808 802 8080 ( 8-8 ) or suggest that he obtains a copy of the booklet .

    The qualification for assistance is receiving 1 days Service pay and includes close family of the qualified person.


    If you think that I can assist you please message me . I am at Franklin House this coming Tuesday 1000 to 1400 so if you are passing please call in for a chat .

  7. Wonder what the reason is - I presume that it's the bean counters who are behind this apparent ridiculous decision - this Walk- In Centre must take a lot of pressure off the A and E and to close it will only add to the situation at the hospital .

    Both I and Mrs U have used this centre on a number of occasions and had really excellent service .

  8. That's a start Dippy - just hope that the locals treat them as they wish to be treated , including that drunken racist yob who was in Court today ( oh ! No he wasn't , he forgot ! ) who due to his age should know better - it will be interesting to hear what Sentance he receives in two weeks time ( if he remembers to turn up) . It was very reassuring to read in the HT that it was Door Staff who went to the victims aid and I believe detained to offender .

  9. Roger , nothing I can do about that , it wasn't my decision to let " old people " have a free to licence at 75 . ( after I had paid for a tv licence for 55 years .

    If the Govt really wanted to save money perhaps one of the items they could without much trouble or outburst from " old people " is scrap the £10 Christmas bonus for each person drawing a State Pension ! Perhaps you have the time to research what that would save the Country . ( apologies Colin for going off Post - just going to have my cocoa and retire - nothing more to say on this subject)

  10. Roger , I receive a free licence this year - after paying for a TV Licence for 55 years - I am sure that when "they" work out the cost of a TV licence there will be an "X" factor added to take into account the " old people ! "

  11. Having never been on "light duties" I found the comments in this topic very interesting , confuseing , but very interesting .


    Re Jango1969 comment re the dog owners leaving their deposits on the pavement - disgraceful !


    Re recycling - have to say that two/three days before our collection day I have to get my step ladder out , put it along side the green bin, hold the step ladder secure whilst Mrs U climbs up the steps and transfers her weight onto the top of the wheelie bin to squash the recycling stuff down so that we can get more in - joking - it's me that has to put my 13st.7 weight on top of the rubbish. There is just two of us at home so if we can, with ease collect this amount of re cycling stuff most residents should , we all have a moral obligation to do it .

  12. Re the Poles who escaped from Poland during WW2 and came to this Country - I know that a high number of them either joined the British Military or a Polish Unit fighting for the freedom of Europe and the World.


    Why do the migrants in Calais and Dunkirk wish to come to the UK - my thought is that for the majority of them their second language is English .


    Should we take 3000 "orphans" children - my opinion is YES of course we should . I also accept what Frank Field MP said on tv yesterday that the migrant parents of children might use this as a way of first getting the child / children to the UK and then applying to enter the UK because their child/ children have already been accepted. The wise people will have to sort that out .


    I fully accept that it's a very difficult situation to resolve - what happens if and when peace returns to these counties , will the migrants be forced to return to help rebuild a ruined country or will these countries continue to be a breeding ground for terrorists .

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