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Posts posted by bobby47

  1. Yes, I've read it my good friend and I'm extremely grateful to 'Ivan' and Enforceable. I know exactly who these two are and I'll be forever grateful for their kind words and support.

    I'll not forget either and hopefully I'll be able to thank them properly over a pint. As for the 'moderator', well if there's a real physical threat there upon page nine of the topic titled No Meadow End, clearly, I was unwise to use such colourful language amongst those who didn't want to read what I had to say.

    When the opportunity presents itself, offer up my sincere apology to the moderator and the two other protagonists in the pointless exchange which, if my memory serves me well were GSW and Fownhope FC?

    As for you my dear friend Aylestone Voice, you tell Ivan to end his efforts to get me back inside the BB House. My very warmest regards.

  2. And about time to! My good friend and fellow socialist Chris is going to bring this up at the next Council meeting. I want the Council to hear in full about what's happened on Bulls Banter to The One, The Bulls Banter One and, after a debate, some deliberation and a full Council vote, I fully expect the Council to order Bulls Banter to allow me to login and have my say.

    This wrong must be put right. If it ain't put right then it'll remain wrong and if it remains wrong then it'll never be put right which means god knows what!

    There's gotta be some justice out there. There's gotta be a way for me to get back into the Bulls Banter House. I refuse to accept I've been evicted!

  3. Silentbull, that's very kind of you. Mind, don't make yourself a target on my behalf. If you are interested, find the thread titled, No Meadow End, scroll down and you'll see that after I took a couple of minor slaps, I hurled a couple back, one of the pack called Spencer dived in implying I was another conspirator and five minutes later I was gone.

    In fact, you can all have a peep at this topic and witness my final humiliation. Moreoften than not, whenever a poster gets the boot or is suspended the other members are informed. No such glory for me!

  4. Hallelujah Cambo! Good God your right. I'm the King. The Duke of Shi.te. The Earl of Boll.ocks. They don't know who they're messing with and if they do know then more fool them for banning me in the first rotten bloody place.

    I'm going to knock on that door howling. 'Open up, lift your bloody ban, allow me to Login and salvage whatever scraps of dignity I've got left'.I'll be damned if I take this sitting down. Now all I need is a new Personal Identification Number that I'll be given once I move house, a new name and a bloody password that I can remember.

    I'm going back in! I'll be damned if I don't. Mind, what happens if I get banned again. What then?

  5. My thoughts now, after sleeping on it? We'll the Bulls Banter is a really good and impressive social network site. It contains a huge number of very passionate Hereford Supporters who, unfortunately for them, have become infested and dominated by a small number that you could easily describe as a howling mob.

    That said, the problem that these dominant figures present is they infect many around them and consequently many more are encouraged to behave in an aggressive and irrational way so as to be accepted by those that decide what is right and what is wrong. The weaker ones do their utmost to please the stronger ones. Of course this is perfectly natural human behaviour. It's true. People can often behave like sheep and be lead to a place they'd rather not be in which is where Bulls Banter is now.

    The good thing, and it really was a pleasant surprise, the abuse that can get poured upon you is very limited and infantile, badly presented, rarely surprising and often pleasantly received. Being called a ' Bell.end', a Fu.ck.ing Troll, an Essex Troll and a boring tw.at are things which give you a boost if you are on the receiving end because you know that their vocabulary is so limited, that's pretty much the very worst they can do. It's beyond them to really get under your skin and cause any real hurt.

    Sadly, because these few who's intelligence is quite low, they don't realise how dull and thick they are and how bright and intelligent those others are that have become their figures of hate. In their limited imaginations, everyone that can put together an intelligent and well thought out idea about something, is either a relative of a former proprietor, a friend of a former proprietor or a conspirator against John Hale and Hereford United Supporters Trust.

    When my friend Aylestone Voice describes them as hunting in packs, it's true. They decide quite quickly that you are conspirator, they demand to know who you are, they call you silly names and then, in my case, they make a phone call and you get banned.

    There are a good number of bright and articulate posters amongst their number who, for many understandable reasons choose to remain quiet for fear that the howling mob will accuse them of a crime. It's not to different to the Salem Witch Trials or the McArthey Senate hearings when being labelled a communist meant you'd never work again.

    For me and those who didn't support the boycott of our Club and didn't buy into the madness that has unfolded, we've now got no voice. Mr Hale wanted to become King, Mr Williams and Mr Watson of HUST wanted the same and for all the plots and schemes to overthrow Mr Keyte, Mr Agomba and Mr Lonsdale we are all left with a two sided ground( I happen to believe the Club will eventually get the Merton End) playing at a ridiculously low level of the football pyramid. Worse, now HUST have been given a mandate to continue upon their chosen path, the vast majority of supporters are waking up moaning and groaning that they only voted 'Yes' because there was no other option.

    In short, it's all madness. We've all been dragged into a place where we never wanted to be in because Mr Hale and HUST decided very early on that they'd poke Mr Keyte with a big stick until he sold them the empire for a quid. Sadly Mr Keyte was no different to many of us. Instead of handing over the prize to Mr Hale, he wrongly became stubborn and shifted the burden to Mr Agomba to spite his tormentors from HUST. Other than the odd twist and turn, that's pretty much that and any further discussion regarding the chain of events that saw Mr Hale crowned King of Hereford Football Club, is now pointless. It's all ruined because of egos.

    Me? I'm going to go to Edgar Street as I always have and with my Grandson I'm going to sit in my seat and pretend to myself that I'm watching Hereford United and try and forget that so many people chose to be whipped up into a frenzy and be carried away upon a wave of hysteria that saw my Club destroyed.

  6. The Bulls Banter folks have bloody banned me. Yes, bloody banned me and I've no idea why. I'd like to say, I'll be damned if I put up with this, but, given the fact that me bloody name has bloody 'BANNED' written beneath it whenever I login, I'm pretty much accepting that I can do buggar all about it.

    What'smore, there's folk upon those pages who hate me, despise my writing style and consider me an enemy to the cause. Bloody Banned!

    My God! That it's come to this. How the mighty fall! Bloody hell!

  7. There was a piece on the news tonight about a lovely Syrian family who'd managed to escape the bloodbath in their homeland. Their good fortune that enabled them to get here? The poor husband and father had a particularly aggressive cancer to his leg and Great Britain agreed to take him and his family and provide his medical care.

    He's had his treatment, his leg is amputated, they're housed up North and watching the whole family walk together up their new street, hand in hand and happy that the nightmare is over made me want to weep because so very little has made these lovely people so happy and they can now enjoy a life together and have hope for the future.

  8. If we were out of this dreadful European Union. Imagine if we didn't have the free movement of people, there was no such thing as an economic migrant, our Country wasn't packed to the rafters and our public services didn't have to cater for 2.7 million who've arrived here since the beginning of the last decade.

    There'd be no more employers and landlords exploiting the vulnerability of the economic migrants, wages wouldn't be driven further down, rents wouldn't be driven up making it harder for the indigenous population to make a living, the economic model of capitalism would soon be shattered and our society would become fairer and more balanced because our economic growth wasn't based upon employers winning huge profits from the hard labour of people.

    Just think what we could then do. Imagine the good things that would be so easy for us to deliver. No longer tied and bound by this overwhelming stupid social engineering disaster, we could open our arms to those who ain't economic migrants who's ethos is simply to earn money. We'd be able to welcome and embrace people who simply wanted a life. Yes, a life. People who want to live without the presence of war and barbarity. People who desperately want to leave the dust bowl of chaos they now live in and come to Great Britain

    Just look at the people of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Sub Continent and countries from Africa! You don't have to travel too far to see how desperately harsh life has become for these people. Travel to Calaise and ready yourself for the crossing. You only have to reach a few miles from the Port of Calaise to see all these poor people waiting for nightfall in the hope of hanging onto a vehicles back axle and being given the slim chance to arrive in our Country.

    They ain't aiming to us just because they want a house, some benefits and to dress in some western clothes and they ain't coming to us because they wish us harm. Many have travelled a third of the way across the globe because they want a life. Just to live without war and hunger.

    Why can't we give these people a life. What's so wrong with helping these people. I fully realise that we cannot help them now because we can't cope with the numbers of people we have but if we weren't tied and bound to this bloody European Union, imagine the good things that we could do.

    Our great Country has done great things before and we can do these great things again if only we'd wake up from this daze and realise that the only beneficiaries of this lunatic like arrangement are the rich, the wealthy employers and those bloody mandarins perched up in Brussels creating mayhem and chaos across the world.

  9. There's no end to it. We've simply no hope. They've no handbrake, they've no accountability and the recession was something that never affected them and their lifestyles.

    This is the way it is and there's nothing that we can do to stop it. It's truly depressing and commenting upon it has become an exercise in futility. They do not care what we think!

  10. And whoever pressed the rotten button and gifted me a minus rotten one, they can get stuffed as we'll. in fact, thinking about it, I hope the digit you used to deliver me that little slice of pleasure, suddenly turns black, wobbles slightly and then drops bloody off.

    Do your worst I say! And while I'm at it if, when I journey down to the tip tomorrow to dump this mattress that someone was kind enough to deposit upon my fully paid for skip, and whilst I'm dragging the blasted thing out of my car, a fully paid up member of Syriza suddenly pops up from behind the skip labelled 'for mattresses only' and he says he follows Hereford Voice and asks, 'should we repay our debt to the European Union?' I'll tell him, 'either move out of me bloody way or grab a hold and help me get this bloody thing into the skip'. And I'll tell him, 'don't pay a penny. Give them nothing. Take control of your own destiny and when the next European War begins, as it surely will, stay bloody neutral and don't get involved in the madness of the European Union'.

  11. As much as I have great warmth and respect for Rebecca, Harry, Mick and my friend the Greenknight, I don't retract a single word. Not bloody one! The European Union can get stuffed! Not the strongest intellectual argument I know but howling, 'get stuffed' sums up perfectly the contempt I have for this mad arrangement shaped, moulded and served up by these idiots of West Europe.

    Greece, together with many southern Medditeranean countries have always had there own way of doing things. Moreoften than not if you want your car fixed you go to the man who fixes the car and he does it for you. In return, you agree to paint his bloody garage. It was this way long before the bloody EU came a calling and it'll be this way long after. They call it 'community'. We call it economic madness.

    The source of the madness was ever expecting Greece and others like them to ever be able to compete with the mighty German economy, hoovering them up into the EU and gifting them billions to create bloody cycle tracks, block rotten paving and an instruction booklet explaining why you couldn't sell your fruit if it fell off the branch after growing into an unacceptable shape unfit for our supermarket shelves.

    Not only do I say, 'let it burn', I bloody hope it sets fire to a whole bunch of other good nations who might ask, 'why did we ever join. We were much happier and prosperous before we decided to join this club of fools'.

  12. hello pal. Is it a bad thing? Not if you think like me. If, from hereon, if it stops the EU hoovering up unstable places like the Ukraine, Albania and Belarus and poking Mother Russia with a stick, then I'm all for the chaos that will ensue.

    I couldn't care less about the impact it has on the Banking community and the ones who've brought us all to our knees taking advantage of the stupidity of the ruling elite and the ignorance of the working classes who always are required to fund these insane arrangements.

    Let it burn for all I care. The European Union is the greatest man made mistake since Hitler demanded more living space for the Germanic people and I'll applaud anything that topples this madness over the edge and into oblivion.

  13. Four things have brought this great Country to its knees. First, the bloody Olympic Games that left this nation lamenting their decision to ever consider the idea that the Games should return to Athens. Second, their dysfunctional economy that saw heavy reliance upon public services, much like ours only a few years ago, that allowed people to work six hours a day and retire at forty five years of age, thirdly the bloody European Union and finally their past Governments demanding that Germany honour their pledges to repay their reparation debts following Word War Two.

    Yes! Odd ain't it. Germany holds sway over Greece insisting that they repay this impossibly high burden of debt and yet, they Germany were allowed to walk away from repaying their billions of numerous currency debts amassed from 1921 to 1945, while the victors of World War Two struggled for decades to repay in full the Americans who funded our fight against the Nazis.

    Yes! Greece was the last Country in Europe to end their demand that Germany should repay is debts. Perhaps it's this that makes the German Chancellor so determined that Greece should be crushed.

    I say again, 'I'm thrilled. I hope Greece gets what it wants and I hope that the chain of events that are about to unfold bring about the destruction of this European Union.'

  14. Sometime in the next twelve hours something highly significant is going to happen to all of us and I think it's wonderful.

    Thank you Greece, thank you to all men and women born Greek and thank you to Syriza the far left party that looks increasingly likely to win the Greek election and have a majority that'll enable them to form a Government.

    For those of you that aren't familiar with this modern day European Union 'tragedy,' this Greek working class party want at least half their debt to the EU wiped out and they want an immediate end to the austerity economic programme that was forced upon this proud people by the mandarins of Brussels, the IMF and the German Chancellor.

    Since the negotiated loan agreement with the EU and the IMF, the Greek economy has shrunk by a full quarter and over 25% of its citizens are unemployed with absolutely no chance whatsoever of ever getting another job in their lifetimes. Factor all this in with high inflation, poverty levels that are beyond our imagination, a national feeling of hopelessness and no fear of consequences because the worst has already happened to these great people, they've voted for Syriza and I couldn't be happier.

    If as I hope the Germans and the rest of the EU refuse to reduce the debt and give the green light to end the austerity programme the Greek people will walk away from the EU. They'll go it alone, they'll bring back the drachma and despite the pain that'll be visited upon them, they'll do it, they'll be happy doing it and be content in the knowledge that their destiny is back in their own hands and they will decide what is best for themselves rather than some faceless bureaucrats from the IMF and the EU.

    If however Syriza, manage to negotiate a reduction in debt then that makes me happy as well, because then the Italians, the Portuguese and the Irish will want the same. This then pretty much means, more and more quantative easing, an end to gathering in more weak economies like Albania and Belarus, less expansionistic EU policies, less chance of further conflict behind the old iron curtain and more and more likely that the Euro will eventually go belly up and then we can draw a line under this mad social engineering experiment that is the European Union.

  15. Hello Chris. Thanks for your comments. If you attend that meeting, and the time is right, ask them about the costs to the Herefordshire Health Service when it comes to Interpreters. That'll make them fidget!

    The costs are enormous and consequently, because this impacts upon budgets so dramatically, there's now a culture amongst staff to try and keep these costs down. It's not something that's forced upon them by management. They've simply slid into it because they don't want to add to the burden of funding. The staff often invite the patient to bring a friend who can speak English thus saving themselves the trouble of phoning the Interpreter NHS helpline. Not a bad thing to do you might think? We'll it ain't until the bomb goes off, a mistake is made and someone who claims they were fluent in English wasn't as fluent as we'd all have liked.

    This area of business is extremely problematic and one day it's going to bite someone who only ever meant well. And as for the Interpreters Line, as soon as you connect, the charge begins and rather like many other commercial telephone lines, you pay by the minute. The costs to the NHS each week of the year are huge.

    I was chatting with a Nurse who was treating a patient from the East of Europe. The interpreter and the client were chatting for ages and when the Nurse, realised that time was dragging on and another patient was waiting and chased them both down, she discovered that the pair of them were talking about their bloody holidays. Bloody holidays! Good grief!

  16. Speaking of consultants and going a little off topic, the firm known as Meridean Plc have recently been commissioned to look at our local District Nursing team and the Virtual Wards.

    The District Nurses used to be scattered across the County and housed within GP Surgeries. Then, some twelve months ago, they decided to centralise the operation and have them all based at the NHS premises at Belmont. The new brief was, if the patient requesting a visit can walk, drive or catch a bus they won't get a visit from the District Nursing Team.

    The result of this decision, District Nurses sat inside Belmont doing nothing for long periods of the working week. Now cognisant that this move was a disastrous decision, they want to shift all the District Nurses back where they once were. The problem? The space within Surgeries they once occupied are gone and being used for other purposes.

    The 'rot' is compounded because after Meridean have done a time and study survey of what they've been doing, and this study also involves the staff of the Virtual Ward, Meridean are going to shortly announce savings that'll involve the loss of (19) Nurses.

    As for the Virtual Ward, they've really been given a kicking from Meridean. After sitting alongside a number of journeys from A to B, Meridean are suggesting that the Nurses are spending too much time treating the patient, they are driving upon routes which are not the shortest possible route and are basically being encouraged to get from one place to another as quickly as possible in order to make better use of their time.

    One particular example is a Nurse being requested to arrive at the patients house at 8am, even though they don't start work until 8am and then being expected to travel a nine mile journey in five minutes. It's all madness!

  17. They're now looking for permanent premises to lease Dippy, which, given the circumstances and the normal way you'd set up to trade, is a little late in the day. Taurus seem to have gone about things in an entirely different way.

    First they set up the management structure and begged a tiny room at Wargrave House, then they commissioned Hoople to staff the place which is why the wages are so high( we have to pay the best to get the best) and now, after trading for months, they've decided to advertise their presence.

    Oddly enough, they still haven't addressed the fact that they've no medical equipment, they've got a box of stuff the Wiggins First Aider would be ashamed of and last but not least, they've yet to be granted any licences to perform action on a whole bunch of human ailments.

    The attitude amongst the front line staff is, 'it's going to go belly up but at least we're earning more in six months than we possibly could working twelve months down the Hospital or in a GP Surgery.'

  18. I'm impressed. I knew it would happen sooner or later but I didn't think it would happen only yesterday. Yes, those who are monitoring Taurus and acting upon feed back from the Receptionist, the Health Care assistants, the Nurses, the Nurse Practioners and the Doctors, have grasped the notion that nobody has got anything to do within the organisation because nobody knows anything about Taurus and nobody knows whereabouts they can be found.

    The response? You've got t'ill July of this year to make sure that every household in the County is informed of who they are, what they do and where they can be found. You can't make this sort of stuff up can you? Anyway, they're in the process of producing ten thousand letters, which is a start I suppose, all fully funded by us, and these letters will be posted to household and organisations around the County.

    In the meantime, the bubble of wealth is already deflating because Taurus have been told that their funding will be cut by three quarters down to a single quarter slice of 2.7 million quid. To encourage Taurus along the way, they've been told to put in a bid and been made aware that a Private Operator will also be entering the game of 'get what you can from the NHS funding'.

    Lord help us!

  19. And they all go to live on the hill. Yes they do! They can't help themselves. The higher the gradient the better as far as they're concerned. Give them some old barn that's got planning permission to be converted into a dwelling to house them, their neatly framed diplomas, their impressive wine collection and an office to sit in as they pour through their many contacts in order to fully exploit them and create even greater wealth for themselves and that's where you'll find these strange and disfunctional characters.

    Yes, it's all true! Whatsmore, as they climb ever higher up the greasy promotion pole and live higher up the bloody hill, their clothing often takes on a strange transformation. Out go the belts and in come the Bracers. And not your run of the mill types either. These Bracers are often bright yellow, red or pink that proclaim, 'I no longer use a belt because I live on the hill and you'd nest treat me with the respect my high office deserves'.

    Course, some of them, often the underlings who've a desire to express their unique difference and impress their masters, skip the Bracers and take to wearing the bloody Dicky Bow and like the Bracers, there's no end of bright and flamboyant colours to mark themselves out as 'one to bloody watch'. For them, it's no longer a suit off the peg. It's a trip to the Tailors where some fool will spend hours measuring them up and telling them how their fat sun tanned face slips so nicely into the clothes that they'll soon be adorned in.

    Their office? Well, it's all so fairly predictable. Photographs of their loved ones are scattered across the desk reminding them that they, the ones they kissed and said goodbye to at a quarter to nine in the morning, will be waiting for them at home at five bloody thirty in the early evening and ready and willing to say, 'darling the wine has been breathing for ninety minutes and your handmade shirt is ironed and pressed for our visit to the Governors Meeting at the local School, which happens to be bloody located at the bloody bottom of this huge bloody hill they now dwell upon.

    Yes! Psychotic behaviour isn't such a bad way to describe these people.

  20. Psychopathic! I ain't so sure this is'nt to wide off the mark. Just look at the reaction of Mr Messer. He quickly reacted and did something that a normal well balanced individual would have avoided. If Id been in Mr Messer's shoes, I might have muttered and cursed a little, but to hurtle downstairs, begging staff to tell him they were hurt and then announcing the ban from his premises gives me the impression that this man gave no thought to the consequences of his actions and subsequent public ridicule that would follow. A very strange reaction!

    Look at the reaction to our own Herefordshire Council whistleblower. A corporate lack of empathy and compassion, paying out thousands of pounds to secrete the secret and having no apparent feelings of guilt. These are all traits of the psychopath. Threatening the whistleblower and bullying disabled members of staff without a glimmer of guilt and worse, orchestrating a climate of fear that eventually results in the whistleblower being branded a problem and widely accepted as being responsible for the entire chain of events.

    Yes! Psychopathic behaviour isn't such a wild statement to make. Put the wrong personalities in a position of power and authority and strange things happen if someone does have a personality disorder.

  21. Two things bother me more than anything about the care we show for The Whistleblower. Is there ever a good outcome for the Whistleblower and why, more than anything else, is the reaction from the hirearchy toward the Whistleblower, moreoften than not always a negative and aggressive one.

    Take for example the recent revelations by the Paramedic for Worcestershire NHS. This chap, a Mr Stuart Gardner told it the way he saw it and what happens? The leader, a Mr Stewart Messer hurtles out of his office and bans the whistleblower from ever setting foot on their premises again. It's an odd trait that seems to affect a huge number of public service leaders.

    Why this strange reaction? What is it that makes people like Mr Messer react so aggressively toward someone who clearly cares a great deal about outcomes once a patient gets out of the ambulance and gets wheeled into the A&E ward. God only knows!

    And as for the outcome of those who decide to blow the whistle, I've read and read up on the stories of other whistleblowers, more notably Nigel Hobro, James Griffiths, Martin Moreton and our own Paul Cardin, and I can't find one example where the outcome and conclusion have had a happy ending for the whistleblower. In fact, as far as I can find, the ending for the poor soul is they become near on unemployable, they lose money fighting their corner, their health is badly affected and their home and family lives are forever blighted by the battle they were forced to fight because the hirearchy turned nasty like Mr Messer and created a theatre of open hostility and corporate warfare.

    And what of the Hereford Council whistleblower? Here in Hereford, we haven't got a John Brace blog, a Wirral Leaks of a Wirral in it Together who actively support the whistleblower and help fight the corner. Our whistleblower only has Hereford Voice to support them and it's this lack of visible and written support which must make the Hereford Council whistleblower feel so isolated. I would imagine that this 'one of our own', must rue the day he ever decided to step forward and say, 'this ain't right'.

    Whatsmore, Id guess that their health is in decline, they've become isolated, they feel friendless and they only have their catastrophising imagination to keep them going during these long winter days of wondering what will happen next.

    Yep! Im convinced that blowing the whistle and expecting a fair measure of kindness from the Council is a foolish idea and the only outcome one can expect is a war of words, a battle within that lays the blame at your doorstep and the absolute final conclusion that you should have kept your mouth shut and turned a blind eye to bullying.

  22. And whatsmore, if ever team Snowzell decide to carry out some mass Baptism down on the Wye and this happy event is to take place anywhere near where me and the lads are sat fishing for Barbel, Im going to have something to say about it.

    If he thinks he and his followers can tip up, adorned in their holy robes, shaking their tambourines, shouting their Hosanna's and singing Cliff bloody Richards Mistletoe and bloody Wine and think for a single moment that me and the lads will put up with it, he's got another thing coming.

    I'll tell him, 'clear off Snowzell. Me and the lads are fishing for Barbel, we've thrown twenty kilos of ground bait out upon the waters of the Wye and the last thing we want is you disturbing the Barbel as you dunk the heads of your brethren beneath the water howling, 'the spirit of the Lord is now with you. Go and sin no more'.

    I'll be damned if I don't. Who's he think he is? I pay my fee to the Hereford and District Angling Association and I refuse to sit back, say nothing and have my bloody fishing disturbed by yet another false prophet.

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