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Posts posted by bobby47

  1. Hello 'D'. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'm going to give it a while, pop down, get myself into one of their gatherings and see for myself just how hard you have to sing, pray and howl, 'Lord, give me the blood. Give me the spirit'.

    Yes! I promise you I'll do it and once I've been I'll dig this thread up and report on how it all went. Unless anyone knows otherwise, is there anything you have to do to get in and start the praying. Can anyone turn up to get the word of The Lord?

  2. Charlatans! False Prophets! Devil Dodgers and hypocrites the lot of them! And it's all so easy! All you need, rather like a fascist dictatorship is to wrap yourself in some flag with a cross on it, get yourself a charismatic leader, make people believe in the pigswill and tripe that comes tumbling off their stage, give 'um' the followers a few tambourines, a shiny, happy, clappy song accompanied by three simple chord progressions, tell them that you are the light and to get to the father you've gotta pay them twenty pounds to have your prayer answered and bing, bang bloody bong, you've got yourself a cult.

    Course this cult, its membership ain't littered with your full blown, beyond redemption sinners like me! No bloody Sir'ee! Not for them the likes of me who'd be thrown in the 'to difficult basket'. The followers tend to be made up of the vulnerable, the weak, those without a belief in themselves and a confidence that The Lord ain't always by your side and you've gotta take responsibility for yourself and your lifestyle decisions rather than throwing yourself into a self induced frenzy just to display to Snowzell and those of his ilk that you've been visited by the Holy Spirit and you are halfway there to becoming a complete robotic thinking fool who's lost all touch with reality and you'll do just about anything to please those you believe have the ear of The Lord.

    In short, it's all a load of pigswill accompanied by a human desire to believe that when you reach the hereafter you'll be handed the keys to heaven, a white robe and a bloody harp to pluck for the rest of rotten eternity.

    They can all get stuffed! Liars the lot of them.

  3. Hello Mike. Is it true? God only knows and frankly, given my disposition to embellishing the facts, telling downright lies and fabricating complete nonsense, I couldn't care less! I've had a good look at his photograph and frankly he scares the life out of me and given that bloody look he's got, that menacing glare that implies, 'I'm the second gunman off the grassy knoll', I say he's a man who's overly protective to sheep.

  4. Well, I can say with certainty that I will never, under any circumstances enter that place known to me and many others as a monument to stupidity. Never!

    In fact, thinking about it, if ever I get presented before the Magistrate for some misdemeanour and I'm ordered to carry out a number of supervised hours carrying out Community Service and I have to present myself to the Probation Services to get fitted with my orange jacket that clearly says on its back that I'm a sinner and I'm sweeping up everyone mess and litter because of my poor behaviour, I'm going to tell them, when they hand me my broom, my dustpan and my black plastic bin bag, 'I ain't bloody sweeping up the Old bloody Market shopping centre.'

    Furthermore, I'll tell them 'I'm a High Town man and I'd sooner sweep up our former place of economic activity than associate my humiliation and my sweat and labour with this place that bloody Jarvis gifted us all as he sat back and became complicit in the illicit activities of some asset strippers who were lead by that red faced, shaven headed, firm handshaking bloody man from rotten Ckeveland who's last act of public service was to tell me, 'I've shredded all things that once related to Hereford Futures.'

    And furthermore, if they then say, 'you'll sweep where we tell you to sweep fatso and you are cleaning up a bucket of sludge deposited just outside Debenhams, I'm going to suggest that he return me to the Magistrate where I could possibly explain from the bloody Dock just why I'm happy to spend a month in prison rather than let Jarvis see me sweeping up his bloody mess.

    I ain't going in there. Never! I'd sooner sit next to Kerry Katona in the Hospitals birthing pool and eat the placenta after shed given birth to her latest love child than enter that bloody monstrous waste of our public funds.

  5. Me and the lads have seen this bloke before down the Commercial. We were doing our usual Easter Crucifixtion scene in the back yard of the battle cruiser. As is normally the case, I was playing the Son of Man and the lads, who'd kindly but reluctantly agreed not to scourge me and beat me senseless before I was mounted upon the cross, 'had tethered me to the horizontal bar, they'd affixed this bar and me to the vertical bar when all of a sudden, just as the lads were hoisting me upwards, some twenty foot in elevation so that I was hung up there looking out over Morrisons Car Park, this same bloody fella hurtles in with a small flock of sheep.

    I said, 'who the bloody hell are you'. He said, ' I'm the good shepherd'. Course, even though I was strung up, blasted out of me brains and barely able to string a coherent sentence together I told him, 'You can p.iss off and take you bloody Suffolk rotten bloody Ewes with you. This pal, is the Crucifixtion of Jesus. Not the bloody birth of the sweet loving child'.

    Course, then he starts wailing at the foot of the cross doesn't he. I said, 'look here pal. Read the Gospels of the New Testament and any other historical document that record the events upon Golgotha. There were no fu.ck.ing sheep present and no hairy moustached Shepherd was reported as being there at the time of our sweet Lords passing. Now clear off and take your bloody sheep with you'.

    Wouldn't go would he. Started gibbering on, 'I love my sheep. I'd do anything for my sheep. They're the most beautiful beasts that graze upon Dinedor Hill and I'll kill anything that ever does them harm.'

    Course, the lads, all dressed up as Roman soldiers and wailing mourners, shouted up, 'what do we do with him Bobby?. Out of pure frustration I bellowed down, 'let's just get fu.ck.ing on with it shall we. Keep the sheep away from the ale, stop him cuddling the beasts in such an intimate way and I'll soon cry out, 'God, why hast thou foresaken me. Then I'll lift me head up, howl, 'it is done', you all sing There Was A Green Hill Far Away and then with a bit of luck this pest of a Shepherd will clear off with his Ewes'.

  6. Well, I've no wish to transmit anything that'd add pain and unhappiness to this poor grieving family and I've certainly no desire to stir up this pot of highly charged emotions that are clearly evident to all those who have commented upon this sad story but.........

    If this was some Farmer who'd deposited mud on the road and that mud was a causation factor in the death of another, the Police would most definitely have arrested the Farmer and a manslaughter charge would have been laid and a trial would have ensued in a Crown Court.

    If some Haulier had dispatched a wagon upon business with an insecure load or was neglectful in relation to some Construction and Use offence and a death occurred because of these causation factors, again, the Transport Manager and the Driver would have been arrested and charges and a Court case would have followed.

    If an employee at some factory died during an industrial accident and a causation factor was a neglect of Health & Safety, you can be sure that the Company Secretary and a whole gaggle of management employees would also be held responsible and face the full weight of the Law.

    Even, the four deaths of Firefighters who died some many years ago fighting an industrial blaze resulted in the arrest, charge and trial of the men's supervising Officers.

    Now, here we are where a Coroner has ruled that the causation factor behind this death was the badly maintained grass verge and despite the obvious and self explanatory circumstances, the Coroner doesn't feel it necessary to report upon his findings and communicate his findings and his conclusions to the Secretary of State, it leaves me asking myself this. 'Are Councils and their outsourced agents and big, big business now beyond any of our Laws.

    The facts are that because of some corporate profit making decision made by Balfour Beatty who were acting on behalf of Hereford Council and the Council Officers who negotiated this deal, a lady has died as a result of that decision.

    That decision, not to fulfil the contract between us and them has been a causation factor in the death of one of our citizens and if we were living in a world where all were treated equally, an investigation into the entire chain of events would ensue and, given the gravity of neglect of duty to the deceased and the rate paying public, people involved in this chain of events should be arrested, they should be scrutinised by the Crown Prosecution Service, charges of corporate manslaughter should follow and a jury required to pass their verdict on whether or not any individual was responsible for a death.

    Me? I actually don't think that the Council and Ballfour Beatty are off the hook. Given that the Council are the 'lead' on the Herefordshire Safer Roads Partnership and a death like this one was fairly predictable to anyone with a modicum of common sense I think that this sad event is going to run and run, and eventually, when enough pressure is built up by us and Councillors who might just see the injustice behind this tragedy, I believe that eventually 'heads will roll'.

    During my old days as a keyboard warrior I communicated the pothole problem and the failure to cut the grass verges to the Council Facebook site and when I enquired what they would do if someone died as a result, they responded that they didn't deal with hypotheticals. Despite me telling them that strategic thinking was entirely about thinking about the hypotheticals they chose to ignore me and many others who reported similar concerns.

    No! This ain't the end if this. Their decision not to cut the grass around that particular junction is going to come back to bite them all and it'll be little consolation to the Council and Ballfour Beatty that fighting their corner was the ridiculously titled, Knowledge Centre Manager'.

  7. Dazza, Hello Pal. My warmest regards to you. Please don't take this as an attack, it's not, but you are doing it as well. Everyone is doing it. No matter how many times I switch my TV on or I read something relating to our NHS, it's always the same demographic who are offered up as an example of why our Health Service is crumbling. The bloody ageing population. If ever there was a group that didn't deserve to take a portion of the blame its them who are lucky enough to live longer and harvest the fruits of their past contributions to our health care system.

    My wife's a Nurse and whilst she'd agree with you that the ageing population is a factor, it's not the main factor. There is another factor and it's considerably more problematic than the ageing population and yet, no matter what the circumstances, all political figures including you avoid saying it as it is. Why can't it be openly said that the impact of European policies have, are and will be placing a burden upon our health service unless we change course.

    I'm really not having a pop at you pal but I know that the ageing population is a very distant second place to the growing population which is the reason why my wife, you and all the other Health Care workers are racing around trying to make this unsustainable model of International HealthCare work for everyone.

  8. I sincerely hope you win your Ward Chris. Like Glenda, you've got teeth, you're a good lad and you care about people and like me, you were once proud to vote Labour. My warmest regards to you fella and once this silly season has finished, you and I will have that pint and we'll chat about days gone bye before we invited a tap dancing liar of a man with that holier than thou nature and those far away eyes to lead our party into a place called bloody doom and gloom.

    My warmest regards to you Chris.

  9. Well I'm voting UKIP and I don't care what anyone thinks of me for voting for a political Party you've all been socially engineered into sneering at and being conditioned by the media and the mainstream parties to be afraid of.

    And therein lies the truth. Most of you won't vote UKIP because you've been programmed to think its a bad thing to do to say that the free movement of people from across the vast expanse of East and Central Europe hasn't been anything but a joyous celebration that allows their home Countries to lose their young people, impoverish themselves, ruin and destroy their home economies and place our own infrastructure, housing and public services under an intolerable strain. You won't vote UKIP because its now so deeply engrained into our national Brutish psyche that we must be ever so tolerant and welcoming and that any other view leaves you open to being branded or labelled a bigot or a racist.

    For the many I fear, you'll continue to tolerate the near on slave labour conditions the EU economic Capitalist model has created, ignore the growing expansionistic policies of Western Governments and pretend to yourselves that all's well. For many of you, you choose to turn away from the madness that is Brussels and like lemmings you'll continue to do what the ruling elite have programmed you to do instead of thinking for yourselves.

    This bloody European Union continues to poke Mother Russia with a stick, the Continent is more fragile now than it has been for decades and this bloody free movement of migrant cheap labour that Business and Government are so reliant upon within the United Kingdom has stopped us lending a helping hand to all these poor people who choose to take their chances on the hazardous sea crossing from Africa and Asia.

    If we weren't so chock a block with near on two million EU economic migrants here to make money, we'd be in a position to help someone who's never done you and me any harm, escaping the bloodbaths created by us, religious maniacs and unelected mandarins from the EU.

    And why do we let it happen? Because a low skilled cheap labour migrant employee is worth so much more than an African and an Asian man or woman who just wants to live peacefully without being shelled by their tormentors who just happened to get their weapons from us because of some big business profitable arrangement that was dressed up as being a worthy cause.

    No! I'm voting UKIP.

  10. Great song Paul. More relevant today than it was when he penned it.......I've said this before and I mean it. When one of them tips up, creeps up my path, taps on my door and presents himself promising me the earth, I'm going to ask him, 'do you masturbate?' And if he says 'No', I'm going to say, 'You Sir are a liar and if you'll lie to me about this you'll lie to me about other things. Clear off!

    Gimmee Some Truth!

  11. Well done Amanda and well done to your fella. I'm so pleased for you both and everyone else that's followed this tale of woe. Now the matter will be investigated, but before they really do get stuck in, you'll be visited by an open mannered smiling ranked Officer who'll embrace you, tell you all is well and invite you to shake hands with those that did this to you, receive an apology and tell you why 'open resolutions' are the best way forward and you'd be an odd sort if you didn't take this golden opportunity to see at first hand how extraordinarily difficult it can be to Police sensibly and not get tempted at times to cuff you, strip you and generally bugger up an entire lunar month of your lives.

    Me? I'd tell them to be gone. It's of course now your choice and a matter for you and Julian to decide upon.

  12. GK, another piece of good work. I do like your work kiddo. When I'm sober and can actually see the letters on this electronic keyboard, I'll respond more fully, particularly about Arthur Scargill who had the misfortune to take hold of the NUM after Joe Gormley gave up and fell off his perch.

    I've given you a thumbs up but, given I'm blasted out of me brains and I've got lamb kebab meat and mayonnaise dripping from the mouth of my fat face, it's just as likely I've hit the wrong bloody button and given you a minus thumbs down.

    My very warmest regards to you pal.

  13. And still they keep churning this sh.it out. Only today, in response to the latest wave of shipwrecked migrants, a Commissioner for the European Union announces, 'we are going to act to stop the evil of people trafficking'.

    What a load of tripe! No mention of the West bombing most of the Middle East and causing these poor people to flee for their lives. Not a single backward glance to those who've managed to pay their fare on some leaking vessel because the families of the people in the Sub Sahara regions of Africa have got no bloody hope, no life and no chance of avoiding stepping onto a land mine that we flogged to their tormentors.

    Good bloody grief!

  14. So, in response to the low pay levels that are now the main driving force behind our so called miraculous economic recovery, the leader of the opposition Mr Milliband has declared war on the Gang Masters, the Rogue Landlords and the unscrupulous Employers who've taken advantage of millions.

    Yes! Cognisant that the free movement of people within the European Union has had a negative impact upon wages and their low levels, this bloody opportunist, who played more than a full part in this utopia to Capitalism that is currently driving the United Kingdom, he's now decided to name and shame those that he wants you to believe are the source of the problem.

    Well I for one don't blame any Gang Master, Rogue Landlord or Unscrupulous Employer for taking full advantage of this economic model that Milliband and so many others helped to create. How bloody dare he! If I were one of the aforementioned three groupings that were riding this Capitalist train that feeds us a crust and a sip of tea a day and rakes in millions upon millions in vast profits for small, medium and large business, I'd be doing the same thing. I'd have no problem whatsoever in playing the game that 'they've' created. How dare he pretend that he cares.

    If, via some mad social engineering experiment that is the European Union, near on two million good souls arrive upon the shores of Blighty there is going to be a shortage of housing which Landlords mortgaged up to then hilt are going to take advantage of. If some of these two million tip up in an area that cannot sustain their presence, an economy, any bloody economy is going to become so disorganised a black market of job creation is going to quickly evolve and if these good souls make themselves available at our local Chicken factory where they'll be required to slaughter, pluck and process the poor dead beast, then they'll gain employment because they will work cheaper, better and more efficiently than me.

    There's nothing difficult about this. Our economy and our so called economic recovery is based purely and simply on a plan hatched by Capitalists who've sold the idea to Brussels and all Western Governments as a means to make money from cheap labour.

    And who's to bloody blame for this national, corporate and local business exploitation that sees millions of the people grafting away, day in, day out for a low wage and a room to share with ten others they've never met before? The bloody politicians! Your bloody Milliband, your Blair, your bloody Cameron and every single Minister and Parliamentarian who went along with this idea that servitude and bondage wasn't so bad as long as we did it because we and only we are the ones who can do it right.

    It ain't the fault of the Gangmasters, the rogue Landlords and the unscrupulous Employers but, sadly for them, when the big economic book is written at the turn of the next few decades by some former Chancellor to the Exchequer, it'll be them that get the blame for all the things that went very wrong and there'll never be a single mention about the folly of allowing Big Business Conglomerates to run our lives and run our Country.

    They're all liars. Detached and with no sense of guilt, they plough on, churning out lie after lie telling us that it's all going to be wonderful and better days are ahead. Bloody liars. Frankly, I'd much prefer it if they served me up bigger, better and more tempting offers rather the tell me about what they are and what they ain't going to cut. Tell me bigger lies to draw my limited attention away from the small lies. Tell me that if I vote for them I'll get a thrice monthly trolley dash around Lidl's or every night whilst I'm laid in bed scantily clad women will scurry up my drainpipe and demand that I make them pregnant because I am the most desirable man in the World. Tell me anything. Anything at all will do just make it more bloody unbelievable.

  15. Call me an hysterical soothsayer, but there's now no doubt about it. Consider the teeth, the sunglasses that block out the light, the deformed ears and the naked shrunken woman that's embedded in the Mayors left ear, and I say Mayor Barnes is a Warlock or worse, a servant to Lucifer.

    Course, if he ain't, and I'm completely barking up the wrong tree then I extend a full and sincere apology to Bob and his family who mat be alarmed by my conclusions.

  16. Ok my beauties. What we have, from a fully grown mans perspective, is two orbs. Above these two orbs that can quite easily be confused with two pert female buttocks is a line that can easily be seen as a spine. Beneath the two orbs that I'll say are buttocks are two limbs. Legs! And through my ale and diazepam fuelled mind I see anaked filly laid flat upon her tummy in the Mayors left ear.

    If I'm right, I'm saying that this Mayor has managed to use the dark arts to shrink a woman and he keeps her in his left ear which is why the Beckham lookalike is in an obvious state of excitement because he's seen the same image as me.

  17. Dippy, you can do this and you can say it. Zoom in really close, study it carefully and say what you see. If I am the only one who can see it and nobody else can then I'm sick and in desperate need of help. Look again. Carefully!

  18. For those of you that are keen to know why the David Beckham lookalike is in an obvious state of high arousal and you can be bothered, you can use your fingers or mouse to enlarge the left ear of the Mayor and take a quick gaze into the ear rather than concentrating on his old ear piercing marks, take a look and tell me if you've seen what I've seen.

    First one with the answer gets a warm manly embrace from me and a pint of ale if I ever meet you.

  19. It says a great deal about modern society when this woman can make a living impersonating Victoria Beckham. I mean, I've no wish to be unkind here but the real Victoria is a size 6. This good woman, who's flamboyant statement to the world seems to me to be, 'I am woman. I am a mystery and I'll leave you all guessing as to the answer and the puzzle to the riddle that is my painted bloody fingernails', is considerable bigger than the real posh rotten spice. Quite simply they don't look anything like one another and quite why the Mayor hired her or married her to cling onto his waistline whilst cutting through the ribbon with his Mayoral scissors is beyond me.

    As for the man posing alongside this good woman, granted there is a passing resemblance but I can honestly say I've never in my life seen David Beckham posing before a camera and at the same time developing a slight but visible penis erection.

    And the main protagonist in this battle of political wills, the Mayor of Ledbury Bob Barnes? Despite my best efforts he's a difficult one to judge. Not withstanding his odd ears and the clear lack of ear lobes, all I can say is three things. Firstly he's a man, secondly, at some point several years ago he decided to have his left ear pierced probably bang smack in the middle of some midlife crisis where he asked himself, why did I marry a Victoria Beckham impersonator and thirdly and finally, this Mayor hates pain and needles.

    Yes he does and I'll be damned if I retract this telling statement that questions Bob's ability to visit the dentist regularly and get his teeth sorted. Bloody zoom in on his photograph, capture his mouth and you'll see that both upper and lower teeth strongly resemble a whole row of crumbling headstones that can be found anywhere in a cometary that's been given no love, care and and attention.

    Other than that I've little more to say on the matter.

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