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Roger Edwards

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Everything posted by Roger Edwards

  1. Read again and you will see that she is passing the buck by refering the person to Cllr Edwards.
  2. Frank, me old mate there is a litter bin, but the fishermen do not know what it is for.
  3. Dear, dear,Colin The reason Cllr Powell is the most active on this website, because it is her website, now! Now! I thought you had sussed it out by now.
  4. Glenda, There has been one litter pick, but they did not touch the tiers or the TV or other heavy work. It would be exceedingly nice to have the tiers etc cleaned up, but again we are fighting the dirty fishermen who cause damage and leave the litter behind. I would like to see fishing controlled by a daily fee, and the fishermen remove their litter the fee could go to the council to help to go towards the maintenance. The fishermen who stay from Friday to Sunday I ask you where do they go to the toilet. For me I would like to take my children down to the pond do a bit of pond dibbing, have a pick nick, we would take our rubbish home, and also the children could enjoy and learn about nature. We could see the return of the Kingfisher, the heron can still bee seen on occasions. I think it is nature or uncontrolled vandalising fishermen.
  5. Glenda, you are a lovely lady, but, but, and another but, who reads the notice boards, yes they are there when one drives past them, but to stop the car and get out to read with the kids screaming or want there lunch you must be joking. But as a Councillor you get copy, can you not post them for us all to see. :Winking_32: :Winking_32: :Winking_32:
  6. Colin, Beautiful pictures, but the camera does tell lies, take pictures of the tiers the white TV, there is a black bag and an old carpet that is visible as the water level drops. Look closer the rubbish left by the fishermen, the damage caused by them having bon fires against the old yew tree. The damage to the dam, and the litter is back. Cllr Edwards can be seen picking up litter and yet it comes back. Colin by the time the fishermen take over the lake for themselves you will not get the same pictures again, so make the most. A lot of people would like to see fishing banned, as it is a cruel sport the way these fishermen behave. Would it not be nice if the ponds were to recover on their own with the help of the council, with seats, pick nick places, pond dipping for children, so that families can enjoy nature at its best in the middle of the city of Hereford at its best.
  7. I agree with Belmont and lpusseycat as can be seen from this link for all to see the truth. From the Councils website:- http://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/ieListMeetings.aspx?CId=291&Year=2010&J=1&zTS=undefined Councillor GA Powell attended the following meetings Friday 13 November 2009 10.30 am, Friday 12 June 2009 10.30 am Friday 22 May 2009 10.30 am Friday 6 March 2009 10.30 am Friday 5 February 2010 10.30 am Friday 5 March 2010 10.30 am Friday 28 May 2010 10.30 am Please check for yourself who is telling the truth or is Herefordshire Councils website wrong, as you can see she only had to attend one Belmont Parish Council meeting but she did'nt. I feel that Belmont is actually saying some very true words, and how many have read the councils website and in silence agree with Belmont and lpusseycat, like I do. I personally feel that Cllr Powell was not interested in Belmont as can be seen on this site under Belmont Ponds
  8. I do not think that lpusseycat made a personal attack on Cllr Powell she told the truth, I feel if she passes the buck on to Cllr Edwards, is she the right person to represent the residents Hereford as a local councillor? If you are in politics you should be able to accept criticism, and adapt yourself. I must remind Cllr Powell that she was elected to represent the residents, and not to pass the buck on to another councillor. Note I am not making a personal attack on Cllr Powell, I am saying what her electorate demands from her, if she is unable to do that, then she should resign.
  9. Police Action Around the Wards It would be very nice if we had a weekly record from Police as to what is going on, in the wards. Any chance Glenda you can arrange for this to happen, as I think it would be very useful as to keep as aware as to what is going on.
  10. What I do not understand in the 6 months you did not attend Belmont Parish Council, you were able to attend Hereford Council Meetings and be out and about on your ward. Was it fare on the residents not to have you to represent them at the parish council meetings? Also if I remember correctly it was your comment "I am no longer your Parish Councillor" where you implied you were wrongly treaded, which created sympathy on your website, which lead to the election. I would have been very happy if you did not stand this time, got yourself better and next May stand for election, you would have had my support. I just worry you may not attend meetings and get thrown out again.
  11. Glenda what cant you do as local councillor that you can do as parish councillor, you do not live in Belmont so why don’t you give a chance to a resident like Adrian Bridges who has done more for Belmont this year than you have.
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