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Floral City Service to brighten up Hereford as shops reopen

Hereford Voice

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A stunning, floral display is being organised by Hereford Business Improvement District to welcome back shoppers into Hereford in May, with member businesses being offered 2 free hanging baskets each. 

Hereford BID Handy Team watering hanging baskets in Church Street

Rhiannon Burns, Marketing and Projects Manager, explained,


‘it has never been more important to support our businesses, following what has been a challenging year to say the least. This all-inclusive offer is designed to help brighten up the city, ready for the reopening of stores’.  

As part of their yearly Floral City service, available exclusively to Hereford BID members, businesses will be able to claim two free hanging baskets to add colour and decoration to their frontages. This all-inclusive offer provides free installation, maintenance (watering, feeding, deadheading) and removal at the end of the season.  

Rhiannon added,


‘not only will it make streets and shops look more attractive, it will show that Hereford is ready to welcome visitors back to enjoy our beautiful city safely’. 

The Floral City service has proved popular in previous years, with many businesses taking up the offering to brighten up storefronts. Sadly, due to the first lockdown and subsequent restrictions, the Hereford BID were unable to provide this service last year but the team are looking forward to being able bring it back for 2021. 

If you are a Hereford BID member and would like to take up this offer, visit www.herefordbid.co.uk to find more information and an order form. Alternatively, contact info@herefordbid.co.uk.  

Hereford BID is a non-profit private company (limited) funded by 500 businesses in the city centre. The organisation has 3 core strands underpinning its business plan, a document based on feedback from its member businesses on what they want to see happen, these are: i) High Profile Hereford - Marketing and Events ii) The Hereford Experience – Safe and Clean iii) Business Voice – Lobbying & Support. The company is run by up to 15 board directors who are also levy paying members.

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Absolutely, and well done to all involved! I think this is a lovely idea and one which should be adopted annually. Back in Aug 2018, Mrs Fandango and I spent a couple of days in Thornbury, on the other side of the Severn. I know it's a much smaller town, but they pride themselves on their planters and baskets which look verdant all summer. I'm sure they draw people in and they spend more time (and no doubt, money), in the centre, because it's such a nice environment.

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On 09/03/2021 at 12:05, fandang0 said:

Absolutely, and well done to all involved! I think this is a lovely idea and one which should be adopted annually. Back in Aug 2018, Mrs Fandango and I spent a couple of days in Thornbury, on the other side of the Severn. I know it's a much smaller town, but they pride themselves on their planters and baskets which look verdant all summer. I'm sure they draw people in and they spend more time (and no doubt, money), in the centre, because it's such a nice environment.

This will certainly brighten up the city and it is a fabulous idea. 😁

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