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Everything posted by Sebaileyus_PhD

  1. my apologies, my handwritin, though messy, is better punctuated. Dyslexia is something i have to contend with daily, but no use crying over split milk ;)
  2. ive made a new post from people to list gripes, otherwise im going to hijack this thread and divert its primary informative purpose. http://www.herefordvoice.co.uk/topic/1723-gripe-at-me-potential-councillor-seeks-overview-of-local-people/ Seb
  3. hi all rather than hi-jack the general election thread which was threatening to happen as i chat with people, i thought it might be better to open a new thread where people can just post their issues so i can see what needs addressing should i be elected and what i can recommend in the mean time. please post the location and problem (and try not to start debates!!) i have already had 1 problem from bobby47, dogging in general around the city, and specifically near his home have a nice day :) Sebastian Hope - County Council Candidate for Holmer Ward
  4. the inference from your statement is that the conservatives are all white middle class folk. firstly, ill point out that you have no comparison about the county/ross on wye demographic to draw that inference from, nor pictures of other "rainbows of ethnicity" from other candidates teams to contrast Jesse's group with. this is just an unsupported jab at a person whom you dont like. if you dont want jesse elected, post support of another candidate. political mud-slinging is childish. secondly, its a sad fact about politics in the whole county, its overwhelmingly white-middle-class and over 40s. i went to a hustings at john kyrle and 85% plus of the audience were just that. my wife and i were 2 of 5-6 under 35s. only one non-caucasian couple there from what i remember. this is a seminal issue in politics, posting information and opinions based on unrepresentative data or without contrast. something i will every effort not to do during and after the elections Seb
  5. im looking to work in what i believe churches identify and sum up as "servant leadership", i want to be the voice of my ward (social media being an excellent medium) and a shield against the detritus of the world. it would be my genuine pleasure to resolve these problems everyone has. its my nature to help people, and im delighted to be giving it a shot on a larger scale. i help job seekers with IT literacy, i help people move house nd now i hope i can put larger problems to rights too :) and my sense of humour is pretty good, everyone i threaten with a beating thinks so. ;) (JOKE) seb
  6. Hi Bobby, thats a foul thing to have to put up with. i will certainly raise the issue if elected, and see what can be done. i suspect the police have the line that "it isnt harming anyone" but that is wrong. this is indecent exposure at its minimum and possibly a s.47 offence of the OAPA if its causing you psychological distress. do they have a specific meeting time or recurring pattern? if you can get photos of the problem and get car license plates, faces etc, we can proceed from there with the police. its always best to take evidence with you. first priority of course is that you remain unharmed, so try to avoid any confrontation. in your position i would be tempted to install a raspberry-pi cam and a security light. that way you involve any interaction. hopefully we can get them slapped with asbos or restraining orders of some sort. you can of course always raise a tort claim in civil court as well, but i doubt this would work and would be expensive! in short, i have a few ideas and id love a chance to kick this kind of disgusting behaviour. Seb
  7. hi all glad to have found this site/thread and i hope to be quite active on here should i be elected! im a PhD student studying criminal crime series patterns, and im getting into politics because i want people to have the option of honest ethical and responsive representatives. i see a lot of complaint about the "old school", crop who are overwhelmingly post middle age, white, middle class and out of touch. i want to get involved before i become that, i want people to know i am living in the same world as they are when i make my decisions. i abhor red tape and closed-doors and will do my honest best to relay information as accurately as i can. i will be standing in Holmer ward alongside one independent and one IOC candidate. my details have appeared on neither of the north or south conservative sites due to minor complications and should be up in due course! until then, if you want a chat drop me a message on twitter of facebook or similar and ill try to pick them up. @Sebaileyus_PhD (moderators let me know if i've overstepped a boundary posting this). it is my intent to be as involved with social media and related forms of contact enough about me, i dont want to be canvassing online :) just to clear up any queries about whos standing and where - http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/12883621.CONFIRMED___Candidates_for_the_2015_Herefordshire_Council_election/ , and their source: https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/government-citizens-and-rights/democracy/herefordshire-council-elections/forthcoming-herefordshire-elections the council site will also let you see each ward in detail i believe, so you can check your ward (some of the boundaries have changed) i look forward to meeting and talking to any of you.
  8. My full name means "venerable defender of the people" I intend to live up to that declaration.

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