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Posts posted by jeanharris

  1. I was one of the people in High Town last Saturday making people aware of why the council are proposing building this SLR and not considering any means of more sustainable transport- better cycle routes, more reliable buses, subsidising school transport. All these things will reduce the number of vehicles on the roads and therefore will ease congestion. Building more houses along the entire route of the SLR will generate more cars on the roads so we are back to square one and all our good agricultural land woodland, and trees will be gone forever.


    We had almost 100 letters signed and these are slowly being uploaded onto the website.


    If you have any strong feelings about the building of this road now is your time to object PA 151314. There are a number of names on here that do not appear on the website. No good moaning about it after if you don't do something now.

  2. I went to the CS meeting today. It was better than any pantomime I have been to. Very embarrassing! As mentioned above Cllr Powers asked questions about the legalities of displaying documents on the website for every one to see. The monitoring officer confirmed they were on the website and produced printed copies.Apparently these should have been on the website 5 days prior to the meeting. How on earth do they get away with all these underhanded dealings. They don't allow anyone to challenge them as the public are just ignored.


    The whole thing confuses me - how do they address the 70 major modifications?


    All the conservative councillors were for the CS as presented and they were probably told to tow the party line. This is the problem having a Tory majority council.. What happened to democracy.


    They did have a reporter at the meeting and also BBC H & W were there as they managed to catch me on the way out.


    Which councillor said about the SWTP. I don't think he knows what he is on about

  3. Yes Cambo, I had the e.mail as well as I am a Councillor on Clehonger Parish Council. PB have been working again in the field next to me which is on the route of the Link Road from the B4349 to A465. They are apparently boring holes to check water levels. The last I heard they had not got the money for this road.


    The newly formed Hereford Transport Alliance HTA have submitted questions to be asked at the full council meeting at Hereford Shire Hall on Friday 25th at 9.45 am. One of the the questions is regarding the SLR. HTF are organising a demo prior to the meeting so please come along and support if you can.

  4. cannot work out how to comment on this topic, hence opening a new one. I find Hereford Voice very difficult to get your head around


    Just to let everyone know that the PA 151314 will be discussed at a special meeting on Monday 23November. Consultation will be from 8 Oct to 5 Nov. Jean Harris

  5. cannot work out how to comment on this topic, hence opening a new one. I find Hereford Voice very difficult to get your head around


    Just to let everyone know that the PA 151314 will be discussed at a special meeting on Monday 23November. Consultation will be from 8 Oct to 5 Nov. Jean Harris

  6. Things seem relatively quiet in the SLR at the moment but there is a lot going on behind the scenes. PB have been bore holing for water levels and a Dendrologist has been engaged to look at the oak tree. There are obviously some concerns in this field, which is on the link road between the A465 and B4349. Your report for the Hereford Transport Alliance is requested.


    On another note I went to a planning meeting at the Shire Hall on Wednesday. After a lot of discussion the committee approved outline planning permission for 80 houses on land adjacent to the 7 Stars Clehonger. Perhaps they are trying to justify the need for the SLR. All it will mean is over 100 extra cars will be travelling into Hereford.post-1156-0-15327100-1442611991_thumb.jpg

  7. Does anyone know if the PA is being called in. Kelly Gibbons came here on Monday and she said she wouldn't be surprised if it is called in but it doesn't fit the criteria for a call in.She has to put a case to the planning committee. It was interesting to hear that Hc haven't got the money and neither has The Marches LEP as they have to bid for it. She wasn't bothered about the number of objections on Grafton Wood but quite concerned about the height of the bridge and the effect it will have on residents at Grafton and Callow.


    We had a visit from Worc CC and PB last week saying they were going to carry out an aercheological dig in the near future. I was quite surprised to see that the farmer has harvested his crops and has cut out the exact line of the road. He has come tight to our hedge as obviously the proposed road is going through our garden.


    Surely with something like 50 objections HC need to listen to us.

    Nothing going to happen before end of Sept. All seems very quiet at the moment.

  8. I think she tried to disguise herself. She is not a MS as she is now married to the infamous Phil Edwards.  She is always known as Bobbie. Obviously he has put her up to objecting - probably wrote it himself as I know she is more educated that this letter implies


    You are absolutely right Maggie May  These residents down the Callow want a quiet life so why should this crazy road be moved to affect my life..


    Why should the people in Belmont Road lose their front gardens and where will they park their cars

  9. Interesting Representation posted today commenting on SLR PA151314.  Guess who from - YES you have got it  Mrs Phil Edwards. Quite selfish comments may I suggest. I don't want the road going through the field next to me and most definitely not through my garden.  Nothing constructive from her. Is he responsible for suggesting that  people in Belmont Road may lose their precious gardens

  10. I can understand why Cloudberry is so cross. None of this has been properly thought through by the council. They have not done cost/benefit analysis on the link road and cannot prove that this is value for money - Our money remember!! 

    Do we really want to see Broiler houses popping up everywhere on the landscape

    Do we want to see the destruction of  beautiful 300+ year old trees that the council say are only 40+ yrs

    I think you can rest assured AV that Grafton will be developed and council farms sold off - our farms remember as we are the rate payers

    The SLR does not mean that the WRR will be built. The CS has not yet been approved and within that  document it states that the corridor for the WRR will remain open until 2032, so we are left with this piddling little road to nowhere at a cost of 27 millions of pounds. Enough said!!!

  11. Yes I know James Stokes IOC has sent in 2 objections.  My legal advisor told me today that you can send in as many as you like.  You are not limited to one.


    If the Inspector agrees the Core Strategy in Spring 2016 then the Western Relief road will be in a tablet of stone until 2032. It is part of the Core Strategy document. It doesn't mean it will go ahead but it will have the Government approval and that will be the corridor they will follow.

  12. I notice we have 3 representations posted on HC website SLR. Heard today that surveys are still being carried out on route SC2 and they will not have the information available for some time. Planning may not go in before Sept/October if at all with a bit of luck

  13. The Planning Office are way behind on posting represetations onto the website.  At present there is a 14 to 21 day delay before reps are posted.

    this is absolutely disgraceful. How are we supposed to view objections (or otherwise) made. What have the council to hide - keep us In the dark and feed us Bull sh****t
  14. You are quite right James when you say at least half these houses are reliant on the Western Relief Road.  I went to a Civic Society meeting and it was said there that payment will be made when they have started the Relief Road and a further payment when it is completed.

  15. Sorry to hear that Glenda, I can only speak as I find. Phil Edwards was a PC when I worked with him. Maybe he has got a bit big since becoming a ward councillor. I am truly sorry you lost your seat and discusted that a fellow Independent stood against you. Bob Matthews tried to talk me into standing for the ward as he was of the opinion that I was Independent. I did not think it would be right to stand against another candidate of the same party. I am not an Independent and in any case all the other parties were well covered with good candidates - my loyalties lie there

  16. I haven't seen the article yet but hats off to Adrian Bridges.  He told me weeks before the election that this road was not right and he would do everything possible to stop it in its present form. Without plans for a river crossing and no business case planned he said the SLR was just a waste of money with no purpose whatsoever

  17. I posted on here yesterday a copy of a letter I have received from PB It is quite possible that the planning application will be uploaded to the website on Monday as the council upload their applications at around 11.00am. Anyone who wants to object to this application please check out the website. I appear to be the only one having received a letter from PB and this is probably because at the two meetings we had with them and the council we complained about not being consulted, even to be told the road was going through our garden. My letter stated that I had 21 days from the date of the letter to make my objections.  That is not correct as planning law states you have 28 days from the date of the application being posted. Another error by the road consultants designing our roads in Hereford.

  18. Some of the things I have been reading about Phil Edwards are very unfair.  I worked on the Parish Council with Phil for a number of years and he always worked extremely hard for the parish giving of his best all the time.  He deserves this post although I feel very sorry for Glenda.


    Well done Phil - not an easy ward I am sure!!!

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