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Belmont Spillway Repair / Remodelling-update

Glenda Powell

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I have just received the following email from James Blissett:

Just to advise you that Amey Herefordshire intend to start work on repairs/remodelling of the spillway and the foundations for the footbridge tomorrow.


They don't have a timescale as this will depend upon weather etc, but should be all completed in two weeks.


Areas will be fenced off and inaccessible during this time.

This is the ideal time for work, minimising wildlife disturbance.


If anything changes I will advise.




James Blissett

Principal Countryside Officer.

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I have just received the following email from James Blissett:


Further message received 7th October from James Blissett:


Good Afternoon Cllr Powell


Further to my correspondance in regard to spillway works being carried out at the pools.

Dye tests will be carried out on the water over the coming weeks. I must stress this is classed as 'grey water' and there is no risk, this has been happening over several years so unsure why people are now complaining. We are speaking again to households in Haywood Lane in regard to this. Action will be taken when the source of this flow of water is identified.

In regard to the ruckas about the logs being moved, action to get the log back in the pool will begin as soon as possible.


If you need further clarification please contact me.




James Blissett

Principal Countryside Officer.

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