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Theft of plants from garden


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For info if you live in a rural area of the County.............

I fully accept that a person is innocent until proved guilty in a Court of Law ..............

At about 10.30am today Sunday 14th April 2019 the occupiers of Blossom View, Crowmoor Lane Tillington HR4 8LD ( that's the old Coop farm office opposite the Fruit Farm ) heard a vehicle stop on the road outside their bungalow, looked out of the window and saw a male , 35yrs, medium to stocky build ,with sandy short hair with one of the occupiers plants in his hand , the plant had been planted in their garden which fronts the road . The occupier shouted to the male who dropped the plant in the road and jumped into his vehicle , he was the only occupant . He drove away in a Silver Nissan pickup RegNo.BL03OLJ . 
Police have been advised , bit  disheartening , it appears that the Call Taker told the Complainant that as the Offender didn't take the plant not a lot the police could do ( What about Attempt Theft for starters ) The plant cost the Complainant £50 . It's not the first time that pants gave been stolen from gardens in the village , recently a householder had 25 laylandi trees stolen .
If you see this vehicle it or know where it's parked please phone 101 and advise the Call Taker using the West  Mercia Police Ref No 239/N/14.04.19 
Thank you .

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