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Friendly and Welcoming


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When I was drafting my submission to HC about the proposed Super Surgery, I took the trouble to consult one or two experts in the medical care field. I showed one of them the artist's impression of what is proposed for Station Approach. The response was: "This is simply hideous! Don't these people realise that an essential criterion of any sort of medical building - be it a giant hospital, a rural hospice or even a small dental surgey - is that it should be perceived as friendly and welcoming."

I am attaching an image of a building that, to my mind, is far more friendly. What's more, its roofline adds interest and is not a million miles away from that of the Royal Mail Sorting Office on the other side of the Link Road.

Handsome roof.jpg

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I certainly agree that Medical building should be attractive and welcoming , my concern is that is there an increased financial cost involved ?  Whilst , I accept that it would be very hard to compare costing of the design of the proposed building and the one that GK has posted can anybody give a ball park figure of , I presume the apparent increase in £ of GK suggestion ?

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