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67% Parking Charge Increase Proposal - Merton Meadow

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From the letters page in the HT:


WELL done, Herefordshire Council, another brilliant decision with the proposal to raise the Merton Meadow parking charge with a whopping 67% increase from £3 to £5 per day (On-street parking charges on way? Hereford Times, July 30).

I would accept an increase is due, but I think an increase of 50p, taking the charge to £3.50 per day, would be acceptable.
Who in Hereford (councillors excepted) could afford to pay £5 per day? I would hazard a guess those requiring full-day parking Monday to Friday are mainly city centre workers, many of whom are on minimum wage levels of pay and for whom such a charge would have a devastating effect on already overstretched incomes.
We are a county town where, in many instances, public transport is not an option, leaving most people no choice but to travel by car. Which leads to another aspect, that of attracting visitors/shoppers to the city’s both old and new shopping centres.
If the aim is to entice visitors to linger and part with their cash, I doubt a £5 charge would prove much of an incentive or encouragement.
GRAHAM BURTON Carless Close, Hereford
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Colin/Graham...  Councillors, if I'm not mistaken, get parking permits as part of the job don't they?  Or has that stopped now?

Whatever, it looks like another brilliant scheme to suck yet more money from the poor, unsuspecting local population.


You can picture the meetings...

Hey, lads, what about this for an idea:  Let's invest in pay as you exit barriers for the car parks, that way people only pay for the time they parked...

<General Guffaws>

Anyway, on to serious matters, let's up the price of parking, stop the machines giving any change, have parking wardens patrolling looking for anyone whose ticket is on the wrong side of the dash, out by 2 minutes, blue badges not displayed in a pleasing-to-the-eye manner...  Anything else?

Yeah, let's make the car parks more like ploughed fields, not paint any bays, and let people park pretty much anywhere they like!

Welcome to parking, Hereford Style...

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That reminds me:-


At the funeral of a  Parking Attendant, the coffin was just being lowered into the ground, when a voice yelled -"Let me out, I'm not dead!"     The vicar leant down and said-" Sorry son, I've already done the paperwork."

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