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Hereford Civic Society Meeting


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Thursday 15th May, Kindle Centre, (by Asda)

7 pm for 7.30 pm start. 


John Faulkner will give an illustrated lecture on this popular subject from the perspective of a local Civil Engineer.  


But the day before .... if you are interested or concerned about the building of a new fire station on the site of the former Working Boys Home on Bath Street, The Fire Service is showing off  its new fire station plans next Wednesday 14th May 2.00 - 8.00 pm at the Fire Station on St Owen Street - enter via Daws Road.  


More info on page 22 in last weeks Hereford Times or contact consultation@hwfire.org.uk or call 0845 122 4454


Everyone is welcome to HCS events, so please forward this to friends and colleagues.

Members enjoy free admission to talks, visitors £3 each, refunded if you join HCS on the night.

If anyone is interested in contributing  to the running of Hereford Civic Society, contact  John Bothamley on john@johnbothamley.co.uk  or 01981580002.

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  • 2 months later...

Just looking through up and coming events at Hereford Civic Society and notice this publication the society has released for Summer 2014. Eight bumper pages with all the local issues raised. Note that they are having a "Question Time" style debate in September. No Nigel Farage!


Special Event - Question Time
Local politicians and activists answer your questions
Lucy Hurds - Liberal candidate for Parliament
Cllr. Tony Johnson - Leader, Herefordshire Council
Liz Morawiecka - Here4Hereford
Cllr. Anthony Powers - Leader, It’s Our County
18th September 2014 - 7.30 pm
St.John’s Methodist Church 
St.Owen’s Street, Hereford, HR1 2PR
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  • 3 months later...
Built v. Natural Environment


Hereford Civic Society and Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) invite you to a debate on the built and natural environments on Thursday 20th November, 7pm for 7.30pm at Kindle Centre.  


There will be particular reference to the issues and opportunities arising from the planned expansion of Hereford in the coming years, and how an enlarged city may relate to the rural county and market towns. 


HCS and CPRE Members free admission. Visitors £3 each, refunded if you join HCS on the night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Built Environment v Natural Environment and Tree Week


See above for details of next HCS evening talk tomorrow night.


Attached also the programme just out for Herefordshire Tree Week 2014 (November 29th – December 7th). Lots of interesting events and activities planned across the county. Tree Week is organised by Herefordshire Tree Forum, of which HCS is a founder member.

If you are able to print off and display the attached posters in your area, or circulate the attached information to friends and colleagues we would be very grateful.  Many thanks.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hereford Civic Society Christmas event:


'Time Lapse on Hereford'    


Jason Hodges, Artistic Director at Fugue Visions presents an illustrated study of Hereford Museum artefacts and reconstruction of gatehouses.    


Thursday 18th December, 2014  7pm for 7.30pm at Kindle Centre, ASDA


HCS Members free admission. Visitors £3 each, refunded if you join HCS on the night.

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  • 1 month later...
Hereford Civic Society event:


Business Improvement District (BID)


John Jones, MD of Philip Morris, will give an update on development of the Hereford City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) initiative for Hereford civic society.


Thursday 15th January 7pm for 7.30pm, upstairs at Kindle Centre, behind Asda. 


HCS Members free admission. Visitors £3 each, refunded if you join HCS on the night.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hereford Civic Society's Winter Magazine 2015



The issue is covering a range of items peculiar to the city and is the result of a dedicated number of people within the society. I think they do a very job. Wonder if any councillors and planners read it?


Herefordshire Council in crisis

Three ElmsTrading Estate

Street design for all

Venn’s Lane

PLACE Update

Former Campion’s site at Greyfriars

Civic Voice Manifesto

Refurbishment of Council offices

Hereford Tomorrow - Ideas

Amazing places of Hereford - Hereford Town Hall

National Tree Week

Planning Matters

Neighbourhood Planning News


Your opinions

The HCS/Hereford Times Hustings

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  • 4 weeks later...


During March, Hereford Civic Society, in partnership with the Hereford Times, will be hosting four Question Times at the Kindle Centre, starting at the earlier time of 7 pm. Speakers will include both parliamentary and local candidates standing in the May elections and non-politicians, all of whom are keen to help shape the future of this county. 


If you would like to ask a question – please send it to: [email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script>


Thursday 5th March 2015                                                                      

Hereford's Future Built Environment                                                     

PLACE Reviews, High Town & Buttermarket, Old Market one year on etc


Lucy Hurds, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate                                          

Cllr. Anthony Powers, It's Our County                                                                       

Cllr. P Edwards, Independent                                                                                   

Alex Coppock, Director, Communion Architects                                                        

John Bothamley, HCS          


Thursday 12th March 2015

Hereford's Health and Wellbeing

New ways of working, County Hospital, MASH Centre


Jesse Norman, MP, Conservative

Cllr. Marcelle Lloyd-Hayes, It's Our County

Cllr. C Attwood, Independent

Jo Whitehead, Chief Officer, Herefordshire CCG

Jo Newton, Former Chair of NHS Herefordshire


Chaired by Clive Joyce, Editor, Hereford Times     


Thursday 19th March 2015

Hereford's Education                                                                               

What will be the shape of education provision over the next 10 years 

Schools, New University, Free schools etc


Diana Toynbee, Green Party Parliamentary Candidate                                            

Cllr. S Bowen, Independent                                                                                        

Karen Usher, Project Leader, The New University, Hereford                                    

Sue Woodrow, Headteacher, Aylestone Business & Enterprise College          


Thursday 26th March 2015

Hereford Works

Enterprise Zone, Business Improvement District (BID), Apprentices, Highways, River


Cllr. Liz Harvey, It's Our County

Cllr. Bob Matthews, Independent

John Jones, Partner, Phillip Morris & Son / BID Founder

Neil Kerr, Chair, Herefordshire Business Board   





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  • 2 weeks later...
During March, Hereford Civic Society, in partnership with the Hereford Times, will be hosting four Question Times at the Kindle Centre, starting at the earlier time of 7 pm. Speakers will include both parliamentary and local candidates standing in the May elections and non-politicians, all of whom are keen to help shape the future of this county. 


Thursday 5th March 2015                                                                      

Hereford's Future Built Environment                                                     

PLACE Reviews, High Town & Buttermarket, Old Market one year on etc


Lucy Hurds, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate                                          

Cllr. Anthony Powers, It's Our County                                                                       

Cllr. P Edwards, Independent                                                                                   

Alex Coppock, Director, Communion Architects                                                        

John Bothamley, HCS    


Maybe a good time to reinforce the move of the fire station to the country bus station.  If you would like to ask a question – please send it to: chair@herefordcivicsociety.org.uk

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During March, Hereford Civic Society, in partnership with the Hereford Times, will be hosting four Question Times at the Kindle Centre, starting at the earlier time of 7 pm. Speakers will include both parliamentary and local candidates standing in the May elections and non-politicians, all of whom are keen to help shape the future of this county. 
Thursday 5th March 2015                                                                      
Hereford's Future Built Environment                                                     
PLACE Reviews, High Town & Buttermarket, Old Market one year on etc
Lucy Hurds, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate                                          
Cllr. Anthony Powers, It's Our County                                                                       
Cllr. P Edwards, Independent                                                                                   
Alex Coppock, Director, Communion Architects                                                        
John Bothamley, HCS    
Maybe a good time to reinforce the move of the fire station to the country bus station.  If you would like to ask a question – please send it to: chair@herefordcivicsociety.org.uk



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Just come back and several snippets of information. Cllr Powell tells me that what I have read in the Hereford Times is untrue about the involvement of the council in helping to set up the university. The Council only gave the University the go ahead two days ago and the assets referred to are not for sale (as of yet - my words).


Meanwhile the litter situation is not going to improve as we are expected to pick it all up ourselves says Cllr Nicholls. This was after telling us how important tourism is. And Mike Wilmott mentioned Guy Taylor in a conversation about neighbourhood planning. However it was nice to see many of our councillors out tonight. I am sure it thrilled the twitchers.

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Thursday 12th March 2015

Hereford's Health and Wellbeing

New ways of working, County Hospital, MASH Centre


Jesse Norman, MP, Conservative

Cllr. Marcelle Lloyd-Hayes, It's Our County

Cllr. C Attwood, Independent

Jo Whitehead, Chief Officer, Herefordshire CCG

Jo Newton, Former Chair of NHS Herefordshire


Chaired by Clive Joyce, Editor, Hereford Times    


This Thursday evening

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At the Kindle Centre, starting at the earlier time of 7 pm. Speakers will include both parliamentary and local candidates standing in the May elections and non-politicians, all of whom are keen to help shape the future of this county. 


Thursday 19th March 2015

Hereford's Education                                                                               

What will be the shape of education provision over the next 10 years 

Schools, New University, Free schools etc


Diana Toynbee, Green Party Parliamentary Candidate                                            

Cllr. S Bowen, Independent                                                                                        

Karen Usher, Project Leader, The New University, Hereford                                    

Sue Woodrow, Headteacher, Aylestone Business & Enterprise College  



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  • 4 weeks later...


Hereford Civic Society event


The Farrell Review - One Year On

Thursday 16th April - 7.30 pm start (refreshments from 7pm). The Kindle Centre by Asda, Belmont, Hereford HR2 7JE


The  line-up of expertise to take us through this discussion includes Charles Campion from John Thompson & Partners, who is overseeing the Collaborative Planning Process for the local Three Elms housing development and Paul  Fong of the Gloucester Design Panel, who will inspire us about the workings of his Group.


We will also have an update from Max Farrell, hopefully in person, with other interesting contributors in the pipeline. Check HCS website for latest on this.  


We look forward to seeing you on the night, and do get in touch beforehand if you have a particular interest in this subject. HCS Members free admission. Visitors £3 each, refunded if you join HCS on the night.


This Review is a snapshot in time. It is a broad and independent review of our collective efforts to plan and design our future built environment which in turn shapes the way we live our lives. 



World-class British architect, Sir Terry Farrell, has proposed that every town and city should have an Urban Room – a space in which local people can learn about the built environment.


It would be a good idea if Hereford established a similar space - maybe where the burnt out buildings in High Town are.




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