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Irena Sulecka

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Posts posted by Irena Sulecka

  1. 16 hours ago, ragwert said:

    After walking down and watching the traffic piling up all the way from Steels down to the Newtown Road/Holmer Road,the removal of the traffic lights down Edgar Street has to be a top priority.Traffic is needlessly being stopped by the totally pointless lights at the Edgar Sterrt/Blackfriars Street jtn leading to traffic backing up then slowing down to let vehicles in from the merging lanes.It then piles up on the Newtown Road roundabout then backs up even more when vehicles wait to turn right into Mortimer Road.
    Newtown Road over the rail bridge also needs to be widened to make two lanes.

    I wish they would listen to Colin who has long campaigned to turn off the traffic lights, I notice other local groups are now highlighting this too which will keep the momentum going. Congratulations to Anne-Marie Probert on her win and well done to all of the other candidates who stood.

  2. 37 minutes ago, WX Rob said:

    A few really bad timed comments on facebook saying it was an "insurance job" ......sounds like they didn't have any insurance

    It's a business Rob so I would imagine that they did have insurance, it is probably a requirement of the lease too. And welcome to Hereford Voice forums hope to see you as one of our regulars 👍

  3. On 24/06/2020 at 09:36, Hereford Voice said:

    In the governments final daily briefing broadcast yesterday chief Medical Office Chris Whitty reminds us..


    Boris Johnson announced social distancing rules will be eased, allowing pubs, restaurants, hotels and hairdressers to open from 4 July in England.

    The prime minister said people should remain two metres apart where possible, but that a "one metre plus" rule would follow.


    I get so frustrated with some people in the supermarket who completely ignore the arrows and try to get within a metre, I always ask them to back away.

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