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📣 News | A Jewel of a Heritage Town

Hereford Voice

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New attractive art displays promoting Ledbury’s Heritage now greet passengers at Ledbury Railway Station. The displays, in three sections, give a history of Ledbury’s heritage buildings in original calligraphic script, original artwork of the buildings surrounding a location map and a history of the coming of the railway. The whole display is the work of three local artists: Caroline Owen Thomas who is the calligrapher, Jeanette McCulloch and Cheryl Davies who shared the artwork.


The displays are located in an attractive three bay glazed cabinet mounted in a landscaped planter. The project has been managed by Gareth Calan Davies of Rail & Bus for Herefordshire and funded by the West Midlands Railway ‘Your Community, Your Fund’ scheme with assistance from Ledbury Town Council and Ledbury Civic Society.

Fay Easton, Head of Community & Stakeholder at West midlands Railway commented:

"The Heritage Information Board for Ledbury is a triumph for the designers and organisers. The board itself is beautiful, way beyond the functional information boards at stations up and down the country, this is a work of art as are the contents. The quiet determination of the project leaders to 'get this done' has been impressive and from WMR perspective the community leads have been a joy to work with. Not only Lovely Ledbury brought to life on that stunning board, but Lucky Ledbury in its community champions."

Project Leader Gareth commented ‘We have worked hard over the year as an art team to get this up and running and have received tremendous support from Fay Easton who is Head of Community and Stakeholder at West Midlands Railway. The result is a stunning display. We are also grateful for the assistance we have received from Ledbury Town Council, Ledbury Civic Society and Sustainable Ledbury. The project is part of a wider remit to promote Ledbury tourism and strengthen the link between town and railway. Brochures depicting the project are also being produced for distribution through the West Midlands’.

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