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West Mercia PCC helps Herefordshire community to improve road safety

Hereford Voice

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A Herefordshire village are to receive funding from the PCC to help them tackle the issue of speeding.


Lyonshall Parish Council highlighted their concerns about speeding through their village in a recent online engagement event hosted by Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion and, after speaking with him directly, the council applied to his dedicated road safety fund.

Consequently, the council will receive £2,675 from the fund for a new speed indicator device that will operate in the village of Lyonshall, with the area identified by the local council as a speeding hotspot.

The new device will provide a visible speed deterrent to motorists, as well as providing greater reassurance and an increased feeling of safety to residents.Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said:


“Through engaging with the public, road safety is a concern I hear all too often from people across West Mercia. As Commissioner, I promised to help tackle the issue of speeding and work with communities to make our roads safer.

“Providing a grant for the residents of Lyonshall is a prime example of this commitment in action, and I am pleased the Parish Council applied for funding I set aside each year solely to support local communities in tackling road safety issues. I hope the device reminds motorists to slow down, respect the speed limit and prevent incidents on our roads.”

Local councillor Rod Bevan said:


“Lyonshall parish is delighted to have a grant application accepted by Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion. It is essential that we work together to tackle speeding behaviour and safeguard our communities.

“We look forward to further initiatives and opportunities to work with the Crime Commissioner, police service and other authorities to achieve this, and we actively encourage other parishes to follow suit. Speeding is a problem that affects us all and we are all empowered to make a difference, starting with our own driving behaviour.”


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