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January return to schools and colleges

Hereford Voice

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Government confirms plans for the return of primary and secondary schools and colleges in January 2021


Today’s announcement by the Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon Gavin Williamson CBE MP, has confirmed that Herefordshire’s primary schools and special schools will return from week commencing 4 January 2021.

Secondary schools will be open from 4 January for vulnerable children and for the children of key workers. From week commencing 11 January, secondary schools will open for years 11 and 13 (exam year pupils). The remaining secondary pupils and college students will work from home initially and then return to face-to-face education from Monday 18 January.

Individual schools and colleges will be making their own arrangements to contact parents, carers and students to confirm the return date. Parents, carers and students are advised to check their school or college website and normal channels of communication for the latest updates.

School transport provision will continue to run as normal from week commencing 4 January 2021.

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