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Astronomy: Check out Mars in October!!

Hereford Voice

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Mars is closer to Earth in October than it will be for another 15 years: How to see red planet.

Photo credit: 123RF

If you spied a fiery red star close to the full moon over the weekend, it was actually Mars shining its bright red light in the night sky.

The planet will be visible at night throughout October, rising the highest in the sky around midnight each evening. It will shine in the east each evening and in the west before dawn.

But Mars doesn't always make an appearance like this. So, why is Mars shining so brightly?

The red planet makes its closest approach to Earth at 10:18 am ET on October 6. Mars will be 38,586,816 miles away from Earth --- yes, that's close for Mars -- and it won't be this close again until 2035. Mars in 2003 made its closest approach to Earth in 60,000 years, coming within a distance of 34.65 million miles. 

Feel free to share your photographs of the planet Mars which is pretty dominant in the sky tonight.

Source: CNN

#herefordvoice #Mars

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