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Outline Planning Sought For 350 New Homes Inc Affordable Housing In Hereford

Hereford Voice

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An outline planning application has been submitted to Herefordshire Council.

'Outline planning application for the demolition of existing buildings and structures and the erection of up to 350 dwellings (including affordable housing), a farm shop and café, employment workspaces, and land for a potential primary school, along with associated parking, access roads, walking and cycling routes, public open space, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage and other associated works, site clearance and infrastructure. All matters reserved except access, which is partially reserved, with detailed approval sought for the primary vehicular site access via the A438'

Misc23.thumb.png.7f4fe9c944a32a24c1ba845b90466116.png Plans1.thumb.png.8f67795b6ee78110902f9858edd955ce.png

Planning Application P240422/F



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