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This fabulous map has been created by our Old Hereford Pics member Chris James Birse, in an interview today he told Hereford Voice;

"The idea started when I was writing a fantasy novel. I needed a map to go at the front of the book and rather than pay someone to do it, I thought I'd give it a go myself. It turned out well; so I drew some real-world locations like Scotland and Wales in this fantasy style for a bit of fun and posted them online. The response was brilliant and so I've since turned my attention to Herefordshire.

This has been great fun to do since there's simply so much history in the area which lends itself perfectly to being depicted in the classic fantasy style. The response from the public was fantastic too back when I was asking for ideas to put on the map. From the hundreds of hill forts, castles, barrows and standing stones, to the more mythological features such as the Mordiford Dragon, the Marden Mermaid and the witches of Garway Hill - everyone's feedback has been added to the map where possible"


If you would like to purchase this wonderful fantasy map follow this link https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1437362192

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