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Posts posted by TheEarl

  1. I have a perfect example of this from today.


    I'm rubbish at roads so bear with me.


    Heading out of town on Newmarket Street, I used the right hand lane as a means of getting around to Edgar Street. As I approached the lights the subsequent lane was 3 cars deep so I decided to take the inside lane to avoid blocking traffic wanting to get to Sainsbury's, thus I would head into the second lane on Edgar Street.


    As the lights turned green I passed two cars on my outside and was in the middle of the junction, the first car in line decided to cut completely across my nose and went back on a course for Newmarket Street. Who the f-... uses that lane to go back around? Are people really that stupid? The donut didn't even register that I was there, and frankly it was just ridiculous. I nearly had my car taken out within 5 minutes of acquiring it from Steels on that roundabout after a dozy tart decided to stray into my lane.


    It's not just lane discipline some of these drivers need to learn, it's how to freaking drive. I haven't been a driver for very long, 2 years, and yet I seem to have experience beyond the ages compared to some of them.



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