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Polly Andrews

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Posts posted by Polly Andrews

  1. I'm sorry I disagree that we should give in to what is essentially blackmail and start forming groups to cut the grass. As stated in an earlier post when the Council stop increasing the salaries of Senior managers and prove they truly do have the Counties interests at heart I will do my bit.


    There is considerable evidence to support that restructures to cut the wage bill resulted in salary increases in many departments that saw reductions in front line staff!

    Is anyone paying attention? To clarify -

    3 front line staff earning a combined wage of £52,000 lose their jobs a saving of £52,000 'excellent we are heading in the right direction' yes? No!

    3 managers then all receive a wage rise of £8.000 = £24.000 and then they create 1 new post with a salary of £35.000 total savings minus £7.000 !!


    The result, the Council close a service because they've dismissed the front line staff! Claiming they can no longer afford it!

    I'm not quoting an isolated incident it's happening every single time there is a restructure someone usually a Senior Manager gets a wage increase! Justified by the additional work he/ she will have to do! No they are lucky to remain employed!


    Now we will be blamed for the deterioration of our communities because we didn't volunteer to cut the grass! It doesn't make you a hero if you cut the grass it makes you a mug and a coward for not standing up to the mismanagement of our services!


    Councillors should be demanding answers to the statements above. How many directors, managers, staff received wage increases since 2012. How many new posts have been created since 2012 and who authorised all of it? Those figures should be published per department so the public can judge what is essentially a gross mismanagement of public funds.


    If you find 1 salary increase in a department where someone lost their job then you should launch a full investigation! If one member of staff was made redundant and the entire saving wasn't re-directed to children's or adult social services then someone's head should roll!


    Councillor Powell this is not a personal attack I truly believe you are between the rock and the hard plate! My warmest regards to you..


    just a thought - we all know grass grows very regularly- will community groups want to be out there every week or so for most of the year keeping the grass down to a reasonable length?

  2. Hi Roger!


    I honestly think Jim has done a good job organising this!


    I know we've already paid for this, I know it goes against the grain......but the place is a mess!


    I so wish some of the other big businesses would, just for the next year or two, take responsibility for areas close to them!


    Sun Valley could do Yazor Road, Grandstand Road.

    Bulmers, could Whitecross Road,

    Wyevale, could take on Kings Acre,

    B and Q, a few of the roundabouts!


    As much as this is our community, it's also theirs, and not a great advert for them the way it's looking at the moment!

    And yes, I know businesses also pay out.......but if the council won't...we have to do something! ( Next year of course we can do something else... with our votes at the ballot box!)


    I KNOW it shouldn't be like this, but it is.

    We have to do something, or we'll all disappear!!


    I Suspect the firms mentioned feel if they get started they will be landed with the job for evermore!

  3. I expect you will have all heard about the well attended meeting about the grass cutting , or more accurately , lack of same! the rep from BB did not have much to say , except that they are currently prioritising vision splays around junctions and roundabouts. All the ward councillors--are now asked to give areas in their wards which should be prioritised and we are all supposedly being provided with the current grass cutting rota! There were a lot of words - personally I await to see what action , if any , results.

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