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Posts posted by cv5

  1.   :Blushing_32: Apologies to Tesco's on this occasion.  :Blushing_32: 


    The noise and vibration is still pretty constant and causing serious migraines in the family.  But whilst I was up the meadow the other morning I managed to track down the machinery noise to somewhere up river across the river Wye.  Sounds like a pumping machine or something mechanical up the river (opposite to town way).


    I wonder if its a nearby farmer or factory that's causing this annoying low noise rumble by pumping water out of or into the River?  


    We are so tired of the noise and vibration.  Surely were not the only ones who can hear it.


    So.....apologies to Tesco's for me pointing the finger to them!  Our error.   :Blushing_32:




  2. Tesco's dictating work etc...even though they haven't been mentioned as authorising work in this scenario - I still think they have a lot more power in Hereford than what people like to think!


    As for Councillor Phil Edwards, would he really care about the time that AMEY do work - seeing as he doesn't even live in Belmont anymore!!



  3. Hi Glenda,

    that's great work! Be interesting to see if you get any replies!

    I have to say that I totally jinxed myself the other day by posting about the noise being quieter - on the same night the noise came back!

    Its been getting gradually louder up to the point of not being able to sleep again at night. This morning at around 4am it kicked in with vibration just as bad as it was before, so were back to the noise level being 4 out of 5. :Sad: 

    So we look forward to any news of the meeting or anything to do with sorting this out. Were tired and the effects of this noise is deeply impacting on our daily life and our mental health as its causing anxiety and depression.


  4. A quick update -


    we still had the rumble and vibration over Christmas - even Christmas day was terrible - which surprised us as we thought we'd at least get one day free of the noise! Seems to be a regular pattern at night from 10:30pm through to 6.00am the noise intensifies.


    But.....since Monday 7th January, something seems to have happened (Fingers Crossed). The noise and vibration went quieter in my bedroom - where it was the noisiest. It's gone right down to the scale of 1 out of 5 for several days!! Hooray!!! Its still there, but without its intensity its a lot easier to live with!


    Downstairs in the house though, it is still quite intense - along the same side of the house. My mum has been more effected this week than I have due to us being in different places of the house. Its still decreased but its more of a 3-4 out of 5.


    Though not to jinx myself too early - last-night I seemed to have tuned into the noise and couldn't sleep - even though its quieter its still there.


    Still haven't heard off the environmental health though.


    Hoping this will stay quieter or even disappear altogether!! Will keep you all posted!!


    Take care!!

  5. At the risk of sounding olde.....


    Its terrible the society we have evolved into these days. There's no respect for other people and their properties anymore.


    Gone are the days when the kids used to respect the Police and when the Police constable could easily clip a child around the ear and frog-march them to their parents when they're caught doing wrong!! Mind you, even if the Police could still frog-march them to the parents - would the parents actually care these days??


    I remember being taught right from wrong as a child and respecting the Police as an ultimate authority figure. Something should be done to bring the "fear and respect" aspect back to the Police force! Too many human rights stand in the way of common sense and discipline these days. I totally admire the Police force these days, it takes guts having to deal with the kids and gangs!!


    What has happened to the olde community hey! End of rant! Lol Gowd....do I sound olde!!! Hehe!!!

  6. Thanks to everyone for their replies.

    Glenda - I have sent you a private message with an update. We have received a phonecall this morning and will hopefully be getting some low frequency recording equipment in the new year! :Happy_32: 

    The only thing that is against us at the moment is that were the only complaint to the environmental health for the noise. We are hoping that as Tescos is closed for Christmas day - we should in theory have a peaceful day. (Fingers crossed)

    Take care everyone and Merry Christmas to you all!


  7. Just to update....


    on Wednesday night we had a quieter night (around level 2 out of 5). We sere so relieved to get some sleep at last!!


    On Thursday we saw a cherry picker (crane with platform) in Tesco's carpark along with several maintenance vans - refrigeration. So naturally we thought that Tescos had sorted the problem....but no. Last night (Thursday evening) was totally terrible...worst ever (level 5+)!! So much that my mum had constant headache and was physically sick in the early hours due to the noise and vibration.


    We under the impression that Wednesday night was probably quieter as something (freezer\ovens) had broken down. So the maintenance guys must have fixed it - hence the noise being worse than ever. Unless of course Tesco's is trying to sort the problem and are moving the direction of the extractor fans or something?? I dunno.


    The maintenance guys are not there today and the cherry picker is parked by the recycling banks - so whatever they did yesterday made the problem 10 times worse! Even now I can hear and feel it as if its hitting one side of the house.


    We have phoned environmental health to make them aware of the terrible night, but as they have no physical evidence there's very much that they can do. As environmental health don't work in the evenings\early hours - they are unable to visit to experience the noise. Though the gentleman we spoke to on the phone did state that it sounds like an extractor fan that's giving out a low frequency noise.


    So...were still suffering. Its a truly ridiculous situation. :Sad_32:

  8. Our neighbours are elderly so they probably cant hear it. We've spoken to a few of our neighbours - one said that he could hear a continual hum but then when we mentioned it at a later date, he was with his wife and said that he hadn't heard it. So I dunno.


    It did seem to go quieter lastnight - until 4am this morning. It woke us up. Then the noise has been constant again all day.


    It does seem strange that the Environmental Health are office hours only. Lol We managed to send off our log to them (though we are still continuing it). It was nearly 8 pages long!



  9. After several bad nights of the "mechanical" noise and vibration, I've had to take time off from my volunteer work as I was too exhausted to be able to concentrate.


    We are finishing off logging our noise record - records lately have been mainly 3 to 4 (1 being liveable to 5 being to noisy to stay in house) nearly every day and night. Environmental health only work office hours and are unable to visit in the evening to listen to the noisevibration. Surely we cant be the only ones who can hear the constant rumbling noise??


    Hoping to post the record to Hereford Environmental Health later today!

  10. Thank you for your help Glenda your a star.

    Trouble is last-night no-one in the house got any sleep. The noise was pretty much all day yesterday but at 11pm last-night through to 7am this morning we had terrible noise and constant vibration. Even our pet hamster was unsettled by it. :Sad:  This is 3 Sunday nights in a row that its been very bad all night.

    We are still logging the noise and its still pretty much every day and night at the moment. We are all so exhausted and irritable from lack of sleep now. Its beyond being "funny". :Sad: 


  11. Hi Mike,


    We originally complained to Tescos - physically went into the store. Our complaint was logged and we were told that the Manager would call us back. But they never did. So we contacted Tescos head office, but yet again, no response. That's why we went to the Environment Agency.


    We think that whatever is making the noise was installed by the cranes - as it wasn't long after the cranes were there, the noise started.

  12. Hi everyone,

    I'm a newbie and I wanted to open a new topic to ask if anyone has experienced rumbling\vibration noise from Tescos store?

    I live in Belmont, just down the road from Tescos store. Our family has been suffering from lack of sleep due to a constant low rumbling\vibration noise (like a car engine - as if its parked outside with the engine running).

    We have traced it to Tescos store and we have logged complaints with the store, but they have failed to respond or do anything about the noise. So we had no choice but to report it to the Environment Agency. We are maintaining a log of times of the noise and rating it between levels 1 (not too bad) through to 5 (to very loud). We will have to fill in and send the report by the end of the month.
    It has been going on since August this year and we have since found out that Tescos had their freezers\air con upgraded a that time. We have also noticed two metal looking extractor type funnels near the back of the store on the side of the delivery bay. The Environment Agency have implied that Tesco's haven't had planning permission to install these, though were not 100% sure that is true.
    The noise is driving us mad and its made worse at night as the rumble vibrates through the bed! We have had endless cups of teas at 4am in the morning where we have no choice but to get up as we cant sleep for the noise and vibration. From our time log it starts any-time from 9pm through to 11am the next day.
    I just wondered if anyone else is experiencing this noise? Have you complained to Tesco's or the Environment Agency? Could you let me know please?

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post,
    Take care,

    Newbie cv5

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