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The Witness

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Posts posted by The Witness

  1. An unofficial tour may be a good idea, if not only to provide historic documentation (photographic) of what the buildings are like at this time.

    It appears there may have been a directive from the Hereford Council in 2014 deciding that the site should be used for a visitor centre. Well, as long as it was not going to cost them too much money! http://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?Id=2670

    Here is a map (from historic maps online) from the 1970s, it shows the store and its associated building in some detail.


    Munitions Factory Map 1974.Jpg

  2. I passed the muntions factory today to see that the boiler shed had been demolished to the East of the building, although planning permission had been sort for the removal of this building, it was only supported by a very poor application of two vauge ariel photographs which does not even highlight the building to be demolished within the area of land owned (I digress). https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/info/200142/planning_services/planning_application_search/details?id=182573&search=P182573/PA7 The council determined that prior approval was not required for the demolition of this building. (oppertunity was supposed to be given to local enthusiasts to record the building, I am unsure if this was carried out)

    It is now my worry that the munitions factory is going to go the same way, on my passing today it appears that demolition works have begun, with parts of the structure recenly removed. There does not appear to be any planning application on the system for the works to this building. It is very concerning that this building was not picked up for listing, being one of the key industrial heritage buildings in Herefordshire, especially given its unique storey within the war and its impressive open span architecture, which was cutting edge engineering at its time. I understand why the Pitric Acid building was listed to the North East but in the listing to the site there are references to the historical importance of the site and the munitions filling store. It was listed in 2010 here is the link if it is of interest. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1393937

    It would be interesting to hear others thoughts on the matter.

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